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Problem with registering FSUIPC7


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I just acquired FSUIPC7  ( Order #: 2641455 -  Customer ID: 437654 )

I copied and paste exactly my name, mail, and Key at the registration box, as showed at the purchase confirm mail, but it says that the "registration details are not valid".- Tried several times, but no way.-

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18 minutes ago, Solito said:

I copied and paste exactly my name, mail, and Key at the registration box, as showed at the purchase confirm mail, but it says that the "registration details are not valid".- Tried several times, but no way.-

I just checked your details and they are fine. Make sure you are using the correct email address you registered with, which is jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar and NOT jorge@soldano-deheza.com

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@Solito You posted your registration details, including your key!!!!!!!

They have been visible now for over 7 hours. It states in MANY places to NOT make your key available publicly and violates the license agreement. I know what your registration details are from your purchase order number. You must see that posting such details allows them to be used by anybody? I can't stop that key now being used in the current released version, but I will add it to the banned list and it will no longer be valid in future releases.

I will PM you a new key at some point (when I have time) - this time ONLY. Remind me if I forget...(i.e. post again in this topic)

As for you issue, as I say your details are correct and work without an issue. I have had 2 other cases where this was resolved by uninstalling and re-installing the VC++ redistributables, so you could try that (instructions and link in the README.txt). Otherwise (or first), try manually creating an FSUIPC7.key file on your FSUIPC7 installation folder with the following content:


Name=jorge soldano
FSUIPC=your key

replacing your key with the registration key from the email.

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Sorry, I didnt realize about the problems from showing my key registration.

I did what you suggested, and reinstalled the VC++ redistributables, and now it worked.-  (strange, because I have a brand new Windows 10 install with the last upgrades).

Is it necesary the new key you ofered  to PM me ?


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2 minutes ago, Solito said:

OK, should I remind you about it  ?

Yes, if/when you upgrade and your license fails. It will still validate in the installer, but when you run FSUIPC you will find your assignments have gone as you will be unregistered. When that happens (and if i haven't PM'ed you a new license by then), just comment on this topic again to remind me.


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