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FSUIPC starts unintenionally


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On 7/16/2021 at 10:54 AM, kaha said:

Sometimes I want to start MSFS without FSUIPC. So I start up the sim from the Windows Start Menu. At some point of the MSFS startup process FSUIPC starts up by itself.

Why is this?

Because when you installed FSUIPC7 you selected the option to auto-start with MSFS. When this is selected, it creates or updates the MSFS EXE.xml file so that MSFS auto-starts FSUIPC7 at the appropriate time. If you don't want this to happen., re-install FSUIPC7 and deselect the auto-start component.

After doing this, if you want to still have the ability to start FSUIPC7 with MSFS from the desktop MSFS link that is created, you can edit the MSFS.bat file, located in your FSUIPC7 installation folder, and located the following lines (although your path to the FSUIPC7.exe may be different):



:: wait for MSFS to start (2mins)
::timeout /t %delay% /nobreak > NUL

:: start FSUIPC7
::start "" "D:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"


Then remove the two double colons which comment out the timeout and start lines, thus:



:: wait for MSFS to start (2mins)
timeout /t %delay% /nobreak > NUL

:: start FSUIPC7
start "" "D:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe"


If you do this, you can then use the MSFS desktop link to start MSFS and FSUIPC7, or the standard MSFS desktop link or start menu option to start MSFS without FSUIPC7.



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4 minutes ago, kaha said:

Would it also  be ok to just exit FSUIPC as soon as MSFS has loaded?


4 minutes ago, kaha said:

What about the lvar moduke in the Community Folder? Do I have to delete it when not using FSUIPC?

No, you can leave it running - it shouldn't take up too many resources. However, if you don't want to use it, you can also opt to not install it during the installation process. If you occasionally want to use it with FSUIPC7, you can just move it out of your Community folder (i.e. move it up one folder level) before you start MSFS, and when you want to use it just move it back, again before you start MSFS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi John,

I had the same issue desiring to disable the auto start of FSUIPC with MSFS start and it seems like I found the solution here, thanx a lot.

I have an additional query tho, how about adding those double colons to the related lines inside MSFS.bat file if we have already installed FSUIPC7 with auto start option without having to uninstall and re-install it ?

Thank you so much.

Edited by sarpis
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2 hours ago, sarpis said:

I have an additional query tho, how about adding those double colons to the related lines inside MSFS.bat file if we have already installed FSUIPC7 with auto start option without having to uninstall and re-install it ?

The double colons (comment delimiters) are currently always there - they need to be removed if you want to use the old method of starting MSFS from the .bat file.
I am not going to update the installation process (at the moment at least) to allow different start-up methods to be used - I think it would complicate the installation process too much for most users.

I am thinking about removing the uninstallation step from the install process at some point, or making this optional, as its not really needed for FSUIPC7 and is a hangover from the FSUIPC6 installation process. Not sure when I will get around to looking at this though....



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So will deselecting the auto-start option in the installer be enough to not run FSUIPC every time I start the sim from the start menu ?

I always run the sim from the start menu, BTW, and I just want to manually start FSUIPC when needed.

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Just now, sarpis said:

So will deselecting the auto-start option in the installer be enough to not run FSUIPC every time I start the sim from the start menu ?

Yes of course! Deselecting the auto-start component implies that FSUIPC will not be auto-started with the FS (the MSFS EXE.xml file will not be updated).

You can then just start FSUIPC7 manually when you want to use it. Alternatively, as described above, you can edit the MSFS.bat file to uncomment the startup of MSFS, then the MSFS desktop link (created by the FSUIPC7 installer) can be used if you want to start both MSFS and FSUIPC7,  or you can start the FS from the start menu to run without FSUIPC7.


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