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LVARs and Macros not working


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I'm using a registered version of FSUIPC7 with MSFS (v7.2.10).  

I installed and enabled the WASM module and was able to list lvars (A32NX) and set one - via the WASM menu.

I created a macro file (FBW.mcro) and put in an LVAR...



When I try to assign this macro to a button, nothing for the macro appears in the controls dropdown.

'FBW' is listed in the macro files section of the FSUIPC ini file.

I guess I'm missing something simple.  

Can anyone suggest what that might be?



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20 hours ago, pwareing said:

'FBW' is listed in the macro files section of the FSUIPC ini file.

If this is the case, there should be the following entry in the controls drop-down:
     FBW: L:A32NX_ECAM_ALL_Push_IsDown Set

Are you sure its not there? Please check again...

If not, please attach your FSUIPC7.ini, FSUIPC7.log and FBW.mcro files and I will take a look (but tomorrow now!).


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Hi John

Thanks for a prompt reply. 

After switching my PC on yesterday and taking another look I see they are present and correct in the list.

I honestly don't know if I simply missed them before creating this post, or whether the restart had some effect.

Either way - everything is good & working now, and you can close this thread.

Thanks again


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