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FSUIPC, hvar and FCU from CPflight


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Hi to all simmers and developers,


I have got a mysterious problem with FSUIPC, hvar files and the FCU hardware (plus EFIS) in comparision with the FBW A 320. I am in contact with Paolo of CPflight and we are troubleshooting together, but for my issue we (better Paolo) did´t find the issue and a suitable solution. The problem described as follows:

- loading FS2020

- loading the FBW A 320

- starting and coonnecting FSUIPC (newest version) with WASM

- starting FS_com.exe (tool from CPflight)


FSUIPC didn´t load the file A320.hvar which is in the modules folder. The List is blank when selecting "list hvar" via Add-ons and WASM menu. When I press list lvar a long list is shown. The result of this problem is, that the buttons on my EFIS (CSTR, WPT, VOR D, NDB, ARPT and LS) hardware of CPflight did´t work. Only the flight director button FD works?! Strange isn´t it. When I press some buttons on the FBW FCU the green light on the hardware illuminates.

Paolo from CPflight told me, that I am with another user are the one and only users with the described problem. For test purpose I load the TBM (also a existing hvar file) and started the hardware. All hvar are listed...

Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this issue?


Greets Klaus





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  • 8 months later...
On 11/12/2021 at 6:21 PM, CptBayer said:

Hi John,


right. It is easier to go into the aircraft.cfg and take the title as file name of the hvar file...


greets Klaus



Hi John,

Please help me, I have similar problem with CPflight hardware (FCU+EFIS). I tested this hardware with the developer's test program and all functions (switches, knobs) OK. I want to use MSFS2020 and FBW A320. I installed FSUIPC 7.3.7 and WAPI 0.5.10 and WASM 0.5.9 version. I copied flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo.evt from EventFile of fsuipc7 folder and FSUIPC_WAPID.dll into directly in the main folder of fsuipc7. fsuipc7.ini was edited (WAPI enebled and EventFiles 0=flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo). In community folder I have folder fsuipc-lvar-module, and in the modules folder A320.hvar file. FBW developer version installed with FBW Installer.

When I run MSFS2020 the FSUIPC started automatically. I choosed FBW A320 aircraft to fly. Alt-F open the FSUIPC console, WASM works, in Add-on I can list lvar and hvar. From CPflight folder run fs_com.exe, select Connect into fs_com menu bar. The driver automatically know A32nx aircraft for fs2020 and wait some second to allow to the driver to synchronize the data.

Problem: the buttons (CSTR, WPT, VOR D, NDB, ARPT and LS) and switches on my EFIS hardware of CPflight does´t work, FCU display OK, FCU knobs works.

As CptBayer wrote, I treid in aircraft.cfg set the title as file name of the hvar file ("A320"), but it can not solve the problem. What is wrong?

Please see the attached Fsuipc.log file. Thank you.




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1 hour ago, dzsiel said:

Problem: the buttons (CSTR, WPT, VOR D, NDB, ARPT and LS) and switches on my EFIS hardware of CPflight does´t work

What do you mean by this? What are your assignments for this? Have you tried logging to see what is happening? Have you tried using the available presets for the FBW A320 (see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/)?
For further issues, I would need to see your FSUIPC7.ini so that I can see your assignments, and a log file generated with Event logging activated, as well as logging for Buttons & Keys, and preferably with Debug level logging activated in the WAPI.

Your log indicates that your hvar file is loaded ok, so that is not an issue.


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Sorry, I am not an experienced user in deep level settings of simulators. I attach FBW  A320 aircraft.cfg, and FSUIPC.ini:





Thank you.


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I don't need to see your aircraft.cfg file.

Your ini file shows that you have no assignments at all in FSUIPC. You have the FBW event file loaded, but are not using any events. These days there is no need to use the FBW custom events, as it is easier to use either lvars/hvars directly, or calculator code using the provided presets.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

and FSUIPC_WAPID.dll into directly in the main folder of fsuipc7

Why? That is only needed if you are developing your own C# WAPI client.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

fsuipc7.ini was edited (WAPI enebled and EventFiles 0=flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo).

Presume this was added by FSUIPC, no? You should not manually edit this section.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

From CPflight folder run fs_com.exe, select Connect into fs_com menu bar. The driver automatically know A32nx aircraft for fs2020 and wait some second to allow to the driver to synchronize the data.

I have no idea what fs_com.exe is or does. Is that where your assignments are? If so, then you need support for this software for your issues. I can only help if you are assigning in FSUIPC, which your ini shows that you are not....

I suggest that you try using/assigning-to the provided presets for the FBW A320. Use the MF HubHob site (link in my previous message) to search for the preset you need for the function that you want to implement, and then assign to that. I don't recommend using the FBW event file these days - and if you do it probably needs updatung as I created this quite a while ago now and it is probably not complete (I will not be updating this file as it is basically redundant now).


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After testing CPflight FCU+EFIS hardware I followed instructions of software installation send by CPflight hardware developer (put flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo.evt and FSUIPC_WAPID.dll into directly in the main folder, check in fsuipc7.ini WAPI enabled and EventFiles 0=flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo)

fs_com.exe is a driver, wich connect and disconnect CPflight hardware to simulator (and FSUIPC). It is works, lot of functions work, but not all.

Thank you for MF HubHop link. Your recommendation "it is easier to use either lvars/hvars directly" means I have to add commands to A320.hvar file? 

I downloaded events.txt file with commands and found some command in A320.hvar. For expample:


So can I put commands to myevents file for FSUIPC wich has pair (or added) in A320.hvar file? Do I understand the method correctly?

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

After testing CPflight FCU+EFIS hardware I followed instructions of software installation send by CPflight hardware developer (put flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo.evt and FSUIPC_WAPID.dll into directly in the main folder, check in fsuipc7.ini WAPI enabled and EventFiles 0=flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo)

fs_com.exe is a driver, wich connect and disconnect CPflight hardware to simulator (and FSUIPC). It is works, lot of functions work, but not all.

Is fs_com.exe also in your FSUIPC7 installation folder? If so, then maybe that is an FSUIPC c# client that requires that dll. Otherwise, I cannot see why that is needed.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

Your recommendation "it is easier to use either lvars/hvars directly" means I have to add commands to A320.hvar file? 

No. *.hvar files are only needed to make hvars known to FSUIPC. You can still use hvars (via calculator code or presets) without using such files.
But these days presets are far easier to use as they are directly available for assignment.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

I downloaded events.txt file with commands and found some command in A320.hvar. For expample:


You should not need to download that file - it comes and is installed by the FSUIPC7 installer (although there is no problem downloading and using the latest one from MobiFlight). That preset is an example of a simple one that activates a hvar.

3 hours ago, dzsiel said:

So can I put commands to myevents file for FSUIPC wich has pair (or added) in A320.hvar file? Do I understand the method correctly?

Not quite... Your A320.hvar file should) just contain a list of hvars. To activate them via calculator code, you need to use the correct syntax, as the example you gave shows, i.e. (>H:<name>).
But the FBW A320 has been around a while now and most (if not all) hvars should be available for use via presets, so there really shouldn't be a need to create your own, but you can of course  do this if you want to. Some folks like to copy the presets for the aircraft that they use from the events.txt file to a myevemts.txt file and then delete the events.txt file. This will reduce the presets available to the aircraft that you fly, reducing the number of presets available in the drop-downs and making them easier to find.


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fs_com.exe is not in FSUIPC7 installation folder, this is in another folder (CPflight) and has function connect/disconnect CPflight hardware (FCU+EFIS) to FS2020. So I see FSUIPC works fine, but maybe this interface has problems. I send questions to developer of this driver. Thank you for help, best regards, Laszlo 

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