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FSUIPC 7 deletes itself once the exe file is run.

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I isntalled FSUIPC7 with the installer normally how you're supposed to, and I ran the exe file, it closed itself after showing the loading screen that comes up usually. I then tried opening it again and still it crashed after the loading screen, but this time it deleted itself. 


 ********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.2.12 (5th November 2021) by John Dowson *********
MS Store installation detected: Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt'
FS path found = C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\
WebSocket server found: C:\FSUIPC7\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19043, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC7 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       16 System time = 14/11/2021 09:50:32
       16 FLT path = "C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\"
       16 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       63 Registered HotKey 'InvokeFSUIPCOptionsKey' (key=0x46, modifier=0x1)
       79 FS path = "C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\"
       94 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

  On 11/14/2021 at 2:54 PM, hydramere said:

I ran the exe file, it closed itself after showing the loading screen that comes up usually


After the FSUIPC splash screen is shown, FSUIPC iconizes itself and sits in your system tray. Are you sure it is not there?
Have you tried pressing Alt + F (the default hot key) to open the FSUIPC7 main window?

  On 11/14/2021 at 2:54 PM, hydramere said:

I then tried opening it again and still it crashed after the loading screen, but this time it deleted itself. 


It is not possible for FSUIPC7 to delete itself. If its no longer there (but please check), I can only assume that it is some sort of anti-virus program gas detected it and quarantined it for some reason.  Check your anti-virus program.



Try just running the FSUIPC7.exe file.
If that doesn't work, check the windows Event viewer to see if any event is logged.
Also maybe try re-installing your VC++ redistributables - instructions can be found in the included README.txt.

  On 11/15/2021 at 8:38 AM, John Dowson said:

Try just running the FSUIPC7.exe file.
If that doesn't work, check the windows Event viewer to see if any event is logged.
Also maybe try re-installing your VC++ redistributables - instructions can be found in the included README.txt.


What do I check in the event viewer? 


  On 11/15/2021 at 8:33 PM, hydramere said:

What do I check in the event viewer? 


Check under Windows Logs -> Application to see if there is ant event logged for FSUIPC7 and if so show it to me. If FSUIPC7 crashed, there will be an associated event there.

What actually happens when you run the FSUIPC7.exe file?
Did you try pressing Alt + F to show the main window? If you start the Task manager, can you see the process running or not?

I am still trying to determine if FSUIPC7 is still running or not. If not, and it is actually crashing, you need to update/re-install your VC++ redistributables, as advised.


  On 11/16/2021 at 8:04 PM, hydramere said:

Alright, so I'm getting an error with "AsusSystemAnalysis.exe" but thats all. The error seemed to occur when the exe was opened.


Are you referring to what you see in the event viewer? So there is nothing there related to FSUIPC?
It is very difficult for me to determining what is happening on your system without you responding to my questions.

What actually happens when you run the FSUIPC7.exe file?
Did you try pressing Alt + F to show the main window?
If you start the Task manager, can you see the process running or not (labeled 'IPC Interface and More, for MSFS')?



I'm sorry I'm not giving enough info, there really seems to be nothing that I can really see in task manager or anything


Are you referring to what you see in the event viewer?


Yes, I'm referring to the event viewer.

 After trying it a few times, it doesn't even install the .bat or the .exe file when I run the installer. 

  On 11/17/2021 at 8:14 PM, hydramere said:

I'm sorry I'm not giving enough info


Answering my questions would help...

  On 11/17/2021 at 8:14 PM, hydramere said:

there really seems to be nothing that I can really see in task manager or anything


Ok, so FSUIPC7 has definitely crashed, but there is no related windows event. Very strange...

Can you please try try-installing your VC++ redistributables, as I have now advised several times.

  On 11/17/2021 at 8:14 PM, hydramere said:

 After trying it a few times, it doesn't even install the .bat or the .exe file when I run the installer. 


Have you extracted the installer from the zip file before running?
If so, I need to see your InstallFSUIPC7.log file. But not before you have updated your VC++ redistibutables, as advised, so do that first and try again.


I did extract the installer. I also tried installing the newest VC++ redistributables (latest supported x86 version

As for the log: 

********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.2.10 (14th September 2021) by John Dowson *********
Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt'
FS path found = C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\
WebSocket server found: C:\FSUIPC7\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe
Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19043, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0)
Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini"
Checking the Registrations now ...
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC7 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       47 System time = 18/11/2021 15:24:45
       47 FLT path = "C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\"
       47 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       94 Registered HotKey 'InvokeFSUIPCOptionsKey' (key=0x46, modifier=0x1)
      125 FS path = "C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\"
      125 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

  On 11/18/2021 at 8:26 PM, hydramere said:

I also tried installing the newest VC++ redistributables (latest supported x86 version


You need to install the x64 ones, and make sure its the combined package (2015, 2017, 2019 and also now 2022 I think...).
And its the IctallFSUIPC7.log file I need to see about the install problems, if you still have them after installing the VC++ restribs.



Still doesn't work with x64.

Here's the install log: 

FSUIPC7 Installer v0.9.18 for v7.2.10
Running in folder 'C:\Users\lambo\Downloads\Install_FSUIPC7'
Determining installation details...
Installation folder location: C:\FSUIPC7
Documents folder location: C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7
Determing Community folder for MS Store install
File C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt opened OK
Community folder is: C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\
OriginalInstallDir=C:\FSUIPC7, FSUIPCInstalled=1, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7, CommunityFolderLocation=C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\
Default installation directory is 'C:\FSUIPC7'
UninstallString found: C:\FSUIPC7\uninstallFSUIPC7.exe
Uninstaller for FSUIPC7 not found at uninstall location: C:\FSUIPC7\uninstallFSUIPC7.exe
Uninstall for FSUIPC7 completed.
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7
Installing FSUIPC7.exe in C:\FSUIPC7.
Extract: FSUIPC7.exe... 100%
FSUIPC7.exe installation completed.
Adding FSUIPC7 auto-start the the MSFS EXE.xml.
Updating EXE.XML for MS Store install
C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\EXE.xml has been updated.
Installing FSUIPC7 WASM module in C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\.
Create folder: C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module
Skipped: layout.json
Skipped: manifest.json
Skipped: FSUIPC_WASM.ini
Create folder: C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules
Skipped: FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm
Skipped: A320.hvar
Skipped: TBM.hvar
Skipped: DA40-NG.hvar
Skipped: DA40 TDI.hvar
Skipped: DA62.hvar
Skipped: Skyhawk.hvar
FSUIPC7 WASM module installation completed.
Installing User Manuals...
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7
Skipped: Installing and Registering FSUIPC7.pdf
Skipped: FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users.pdf
Skipped: FSUIPC7 History.pdf
Skipped: FSUIPC7 Offsets Status.pdf
Skipped: FSUIPC7 User Guide.pdf
Skipped: Profiles in Separate Files.pdf
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\Downloads\Install_FSUIPC7
Create shortcut: C:\FSUIPC7\Documents.lnk
Documents shortcut created: C:\FSUIPC7\Documents
FSUIPC7 User Manuals installed in C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7.
Installing Lua Documentation...
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7
Skipped: FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf
Skipped: FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf
Skipped: Lua License.pdf
Skipped: Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf
Skipped: LuaFileSystem.pdf
Skipped: Example LUA plugins.zip
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\Downloads\Install_FSUIPC7
FSUIPC7 Lua Documents installed in C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7.
Installing SDK...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
SDK folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
Extract: FSUIPC feedback control.txt... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC for Programmers.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_User_Lib_for_VC_2010.zip
Extract: FSUIPCDotNetClient2.4.zip... 100%
Extract: Library for FS Internal Users.zip... 100%
Extract: Module_User_lib_for_VC_2010.zip... 100%
Extract: ModuleUser64.zip... 100%
Extract: New Weather Interface for FS2004.zip... 100%
Extract: NewWeather.h... 100%
Extract: ReadMe.txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_RealBasic_SDK.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_ASM.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_BCB5.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_C.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_.NET_(C#,VB.NET).txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Delphi.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA_64bit.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_MFC.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Python.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_VisualBasic.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC64_SDK_C_version2.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPCAWI.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_Java_SDK_by_Mouseviator_v1_with_C_Libs.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_Java_SDK_by_Mouseviator_v1_NO_C_Libs.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC-WASM.zip... 100%
Installation of SDK completed.
Installing HidScanner...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Utilities folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: HidScanner.exe... 100%
HidScanner installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Installing FS-Interrogate 2...
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: FSInterrogate2std.exe... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC.FSI... 100%
FS-Interrogate 2 installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Output folder: C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7
Skipped: FSI2 Manual.pdf
FS-Interrogate 2 User'Manual installed in C:\Users\lambo\Contacts\Documents\FSUIPC7
Installation of FS-Interrogate 2 completed.
Installing WebSocket Server...
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe... 100%
Extract: FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe.config... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_WAPID.dll... 100%
WebSocket Server installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Installing MobiFlight Event Files...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
EventFiles folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Extract: A32X-FBW1.evt... 100%
Extract: A32X-FBW2.evt... 100%
Extract: AS3x-G1000.evt... 100%
Extract: ASCRJ.evt... 100%
Extract: Asobo-A320.evt... 100%
Extract: B3D-737.evt... 100%
Extract: B747-8.evt... 100%
Extract: Cessna C172.evt... 100%
Extract: flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo.evt... 100%
Extract: G36 Beechcraft Bonanza.evt... 100%
Extract: G1000.evt... 100%
Extract: G3000.evt... 100%
Extract: GNS430.evt... 100%
Extract: GNS530.evt... 100%
Extract: GSX_Standalone.evt
Extract: GTX580-Longitude.evt... 100%
Extract: GTX580-TBM.evt... 100%
Extract: H135.evt... 100%
Extract: Just Flight PA28.evt... 100%
Extract: KAP140.evt... 100%
Extract: KR87.evt... 100%
Extract: KT76C.evt... 100%
Extract: Longitude.evt... 100%
Extract: M20R.evt... 100%
Extract: M803.evt... 100%
Extract: standard1.evt... 100%
Extract: standard2.evt... 100%
Extract: standard3.evt... 100%
Extract: WT-CJ4.evt... 100%
MobiFlight event files installed in C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Installing H:var Files...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Hvar files folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Extract: A32NX FBW.hvar
Extract: AS3x G1000.hvar... 100%
Extract: B3D_737.hvar... 100%
Extract: B747-8.hvar... 100%
Extract: G1000.hvar... 100%
Extract: G3000.hvar... 100%
Extract: GNS 430.hvar... 100%
Extract: GNS 530.hvar... 100%
Extract: GTX 580 Longitude.hvar... 100%
Extract: GTX 580 TBM.hvar... 100%
Extract: KAP140.hvar... 100%
Extract: KR87.hvar... 100%
Extract: KT76C.hvar... 100%
Extract: M803.hvar... 100%
Extract: Working Title CJ4.hvar... 100%
Hvar files installed in C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Installation completed. Generating uninstaller...
Created uninstaller: C:\FSUIPC7\uninstallFSUIPC7.exe
Updating registry...

  On 11/18/2021 at 10:56 PM, hydramere said:

Here's the install log: 


Your installation log looks fine, except that you are installing quite an  old version. Please download the latest version, v7.2.13, and try again.

  On 11/17/2021 at 8:14 PM, hydramere said:

 After trying it a few times, it doesn't even install the .bat or the .exe file when I run the installer. 


Why do you think this? Your log shows the FSUIPC7.exe was installed ok:


Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7
Installing FSUIPC7.exe in C:\FSUIPC7.
Extract: FSUIPC7.exe... 100%
FSUIPC7.exe installation completed.




I downloaded the newer version, and still no luck. It's now showing in the system tray and the file keeps deleting still. 

I got no idea what this problem is. It could be an antivirus, but I'm not sure because windows defender is disabled completely, and I don't think I have any other ones installed. Do you maybe know of a tool that can check that per chance?

  On 11/19/2021 at 10:30 PM, hydramere said:

It's now showing in the system tray


Ok, so you can open the FSUIPC main window from the system tray icon, or by pressing Alt + F?

  On 11/19/2021 at 10:30 PM, hydramere said:

the file keeps deleting still


What do you actually mean by this? That he FSUIPC7.exe file is actually deleted from the folder where it was installed?
If so, then this can only possibly be done by some sort of anti-virus program, and you should have a notification somewhere that this was done.
You could try searching for the FSUIPC7.exe using Everything (available from https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/) - this may show you where it is if it has been quarantined by an anti-virus program.
Or please explain what you mean by 'keeps deleting'.

If FSUIPC7 is running, which it must be doing if its in your system tray, I cannot see how it can be deleted



It isn't running, it crashes and deletes itself.

I tried using "Everything" and I searched for "fsuipc" I got some results but none of them were the fsuipc.exe file, I only found it in the prefetch folder.

  On 11/20/2021 at 12:57 PM, hydramere said:

It isn't running, it crashes and deletes itself.


I'm sorry but I am getting confused as you said it is now showing in the system tray...it helps me a lot if you could be a bit clearer...

Is this correct:
   You start FSUIPC7.exe by double clicking it, you see a splash screen which disappears after a few seconds, you then see the FSUIPC7 icon in the system tray for a brief period, but it then disappears, and when you go back to the installation folder the FSUIPC7.exe has been removed.


If that is not the case, please explain. If that is what is happening, then sorry but I have no idea what can be doing that, but it must be something like an anti-virus program. FSUIPC is not crashing - if it was there should be something logged somewhere (i.e. in the Windows event viewer), and it certainly isn't 'deleting itself' - that must be done by another program or service.



That is exactly what is happening. I don't know what I can do because I've NEVER installed any anti-viruses, but I might just have to reset my PC in that case.

Thank you so much for attempting to help, and I hope you have a nice rest of your day!

  On 11/21/2021 at 2:58 PM, mlp90 said:

I've had the same problem and the culprit was Avast. Very strange, it never happened before when installing FSUIPC.


Ok, thanks for letting us know. I have had other reports with Avast causing issues, but previously when downloading FSUIPC7. Strange it does this now when FSUIPC is running. I'll see if I can raise a support issue with them.
Could you get around this by allowing an exception for FSUIPC7 in Avast?



I have the same issue with Avast. The file is getting quarantined by Avast. I flagged it as a false positive and submitted to Avast for review. Still waiting to hear back from them. 

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