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FSUIPC 7.2.13 causes massive error messages

Andreas Guther

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using the latest version (at least when A32NX is loaded) causes the debug mode Console to be piped full in a speed that you cannot see any other messages anymore. It's complaining about fuel pump state trying to read an invalid index/id. As soon as FSUIPC is closed the messages stop.

Another question:
Is there an archive of the last versions? I was lucky that I have found an older version 7.2.11 otherwise I would be unable to use FSUIPC right now :-(. So I would greatly appreciate when at least 1 or 2 last versions would be possible to download for such cases.


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Hi Andreas,

7 hours ago, Andreas Guther said:

using the latest version (at least when A32NX is loaded) causes the debug mode Console to be piped full in a speed that you cannot see any other messages anymore.

Are you using the stock A32NX or the FBW mod?
And by 'debug mode console', do you mean the MSFS dev mode one (and not the FSUIPC logging console)? I cannot see any such errors in the FSUIPC7.log file.

7 hours ago, Andreas Guther said:

It's complaining about fuel pump state trying to read an invalid index/id.

Yes, these are for two new indexed variables that I have added to offsets:
requested for indexes 1-16 (as the 747 has 16 individual pumps).
Requesting a variable that doesn't exist (or if the index is out of range) should result in a SimConnect error reported in the FSUIPC7.log file, which I don't see.

And I don't know why you are continually seeing these messages. The simvars are only requested once, most probably on a 6Hz period (although I would need to check).


Ok, I can see those error messages, both in the stock A320 and the FBW A32NX, and also in some other aircraft (e.g. 787), but not all - seems to only affect aircraft that use the new fuel system variables.

This only seems to affect the MSFS console window - no error messages are logged (or received) by FSUIPC7.
Not sure what to do about this at the moment. It seems only to be an issue with these messages being logged in the console window and not much else.

I'll report this to Asobo to see what they say. I am not sure why these variables are being continually logged either, as they are only requested once.

I will report back if/when I hear anything from Asobo.

7 hours ago, Andreas Guther said:

Another question:
Is there an archive of the last versions? I was lucky that I have found an older version 7.2.11 otherwise I would be unable to use FSUIPC right now :-(. So I would greatly appreciate when at least 1 or 2 last versions would be possible to download for such cases.

I don't like making previous versions available, and only the latest released version is ever supported. I don't mind making the previous release available upon request, if there are issues with the newly released version (and while these issues are being investigated), but I won't be making previous releases permanently available.


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Hi John,

thank you for following up!

Its indeed a quite strange behavior. I need to use an older version for now because it really impacts performance on my end and it literally makes development impossible (you cannot anything else). I understand that you only support latest.

Is there anything that can be done on your end so I can still use the new versions and the versions to come until the next sim update? Up to now I’m stuck otherwise…



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Hi Andreas,

1 hour ago, Andreas Guther said:

Is there anything that can be done on your end so I can still use the new versions and the versions to come until the next sim update? Up to now I’m stuck otherwise…

For the time being, please try the attached version. This is identical to the current released version, but I have removed the requests for the FUELSYSTEM PUMP SWITCH / ACTIVE simvars with indices 7 and greater. I'll make this applicable on a new ini file parameter in the next version. I'll maybe allow this to be profile specific and also specify the max index number to request (or the number of pumps available).



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  • 4 weeks later...

FYI, the latest release of FSUIPC7 v7.2.14 by default will only request these 2 variables for 6 pumps/indices. There is a new ini parameter:
which you can add (and change - 6 is the default value) to the [General] section of the FSUIPC7.ini if you want the offsets for additional pumps to be populated.


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