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Afternoon, Paul!

I'm curious if its possible to manipulate XMLVAR, Event (K:), and Aircraft (A:) variables via your .dll; or, are we limited to SIMVARs and LVARS?  


The MSFSVariableServices part of the dll allows access to H: and L: vars (in MSFS only). This works via the WASM module loaded into MSFS.

The main part of the dll talks to FSUIPC which in turn talks to the Flight Sim via SimConnect. This allows reading (and sometimes writing) of A: variables via FSUIPC Offsets. The offsets system was developed long before MSFS and SimConnect so the method of accessing the data is via numeric addresses rather than named variables.

K: Events are known as 'Controls' in FSUIPC and can be activated using the FSUIPCConnection.SendControlToFS() method. For historic reasons the controls are also numeric but the dll provides enums for the various control sets to make it easier.

I don't think reading XML vars is possible via FSUIPC.

The MSFSVariableServices does have a method to execute "calculator code" via the WASM module. I've never used it, but if it's possible to do things with A: and K: and XML vars via calculator code then you could experiment with that. I don't know anything about it though so I don't know if it's possible or not.


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