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I have installed a registered version of FSUICP7. Then I start MSFS. As soon the small FSUIPC window appears the blue line stops halfway and nothing happens. MSFS starts only fully in save mode. What did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance


17 minutes ago, RobertVdb said:

As soon the small FSUIPC window appears

Do you mean the splash screen? That should appear for a dew seconds and then disappear. FSUIPC7 always starts iconised to your system tray.

18 minutes ago, RobertVdb said:

the blue line stops halfway and nothing happens. MSFS starts only fully in save mode. What did I do wrong?

No idea, but I doubt very much this is related to FSUIPC7. When it starts, it does not even connect to MSFS until a minute or two later (when MSFS is ready).

I have no idea what your issue is... are you sure that it is just not taking time to load? Takes a few minutes here, depending upon what is in your Community folder, and what the current/previous aircraft loaded is/was.

You can verify that this has nothing to do with FSUIPC7 by just temporarily renaming the FSUIPC7.exe (e.g. FSUIPC7.exe.unused). You will get a dialog saying that FSUIPC7 cannot be found/started, but the loading process will continue.

For any issues with MSFS, you should use the Asobo forums.


57 minutes ago, RobertVdb said:

Starting MSFS from FSUICP seems to work.

Except that you can't start  MSFS from FSUIPC7....!

The provided desktop link (which calls the MSFS.bat file) simply displays a splash screen and then starts MSFS. It is MSFS that then starts FSUIPC7, if you have installed the auto-start component. The only other difference from using the FSUIPC-provided MSFS desktop icon to start MSFS is that if it is an MS Store installed version, it will be started with the FastLaunch option  - for Steam installs, you have to configure this in the Steam client.



Yes, John. MSFS starts and after a while time the window of FSUIPC came up.

When I want to use FSUIPC for programming the buttons and switches of my GoFlight stuff, I discovered that I didn't find the MSFS control txt file in the Documents\FSUICP directory. Did I miss something?




17 hours ago, RobertVdb said:

When I want to use FSUIPC for programming the buttons and switches of my GoFlight stuff, I discovered that I didn't find the MSFS control txt file in the Documents\FSUICP directory. Did I miss something?

Sorry, but I have no idea what the MSFS control txt file you are referring to is - can you please explain? The Documents/FSUIPC7 folder should contain the FSUIPC7 documentation. One of the file in there will be the Controls List for MSFS Build 999.txt file if that is what you are referring to. However, note that this is created on-the-fly, once you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly (or maybe once an active simconnect connection is established, which maybe earlier).



Sorry, but I have no idea what the MSFS control txt file you are referring to is - can you please explain? The Documents/FSUIPC7 folder should contain the FSUIPC7 documentation. One of the file in there will be the Controls List for MSFS Build 999.txt file if that is what you are referring to. However, note that this is created on-the-fly, once you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly (or maybe once an active simconnect connection is established, which maybe earlier).

Yes, John, that was the file I was referring to. Now I have seen that it appeared in the folder. Unfortunately I don't find any EFIS commands.

2 hours ago, RobertVdb said:

Unfortunately I don't find any EFIS commands.

There are no standard controls for EFIS commands. Which aircraft are you using? The A320 or FBW A320?
You most probably need to look at the available lvars and hvars for the aircraft you are using. You can use the MobiFlight hubhop resource (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/#/list) to see that the MobiFLight preset uses and try to use that, or you can install the MF WASM module, use the provided MF event files (in your FSUIPC7 EventFiles folder)  and use the MF presets directly.

I could help you set-up one button/function if you like and you can take it from there.

I am currently looking at adding additional functionality to FSUIPC7 to make calculator code (such as that provided by the MF preset list) easier to use.



Great, John. Thanks for your help and your proposal. I will first try to sort it out as much as possible by myself. I need to learn (and to study)

Again thanks and regards


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