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ATC Aircraft Labels - 10nm ?

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Just a quick question which I hope someone may be able to help me with.

getting the hang of working with AI now and making use of both AFCAD and FSUIPC with some good results. Still in the stages of making aircraft and flightplans, and get an enormous amount of satisfaction watching my generated AI flights leaving and arriving.

The Question....? Well I have ATC on - and in 'Options' - 'Settings' - 'ATC' I have 'Aircraft Labels' turned on (I like this...)

I have noticed that the labels only come on when the aircraft is 10nm away from either the airport, airfield, or if you are tracking an aircraft in the air the aircraft I am flying.

Is there any way to extend this distance to say 20nm or 30nm or any value higher than 10nm at all ??

Appreciate it if someone could help - i am sure I have read somewhere that someone has theirs so that the labels become visible at 40nm !!!! i can't remember where though. - Could this be so ??



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I have noticed that the labels only come on when the aircraft is 10nm away from either the airport, airfield, or if you are tracking an aircraft in the air the aircraft I am flying.

Is there any way to extend this distance to say 20nm or 30nm or any value higher than 10nm at all ??

I know it's about 10 miles, but I don't know how to change it. If you find out elsewhere, please let us know.



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