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Cannot register FSUIPC update


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I was using FSUIPC 7.05 registered version,  I tried to update to the recent v 7.33 . and when installing, my register key was accepted, but  it works as an unregistered install, as I have no assignments, etc.

So I had to return to my original version which works OK

Can it be fixed ?


My  Order #: 2641455

My  Customer ID: 437654

My mail   jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar


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10 hours ago, Solito said:

I tried to update to the recent v 7.33

Latest version is 7.3.6.

10 hours ago, Solito said:

when installing, my register key was accepted, but  it works as an unregistered install, as I have no assignments, etc.

So I had to return to my original version which works OK

Can it be fixed ?

When re-installing, you do not need to re-register or re-validate your registration if re-installing into the same folder - you can just Skip.
But I cannot understand your issue - you must be running FSUIPC7 from a different folder that does not contain your key file.

Please download and install the latest version. If you accept the defaults, it will install in the same folder (it will run the uninstaller first to uninstall the current version) and your key and ini file should be preserved.


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Thanks John

I am reinstalling FSUIPC7 update 7.36  at the same folder, previously uninstalling the old version. The key file is within the folder, so I Skip registering, although the key appears at the installer. All seems to go OK, but I have no assignments, so for now my only option is to return to my original FSUIPC7 version which works OK.

I remember that originally I had some problem which needed your support, and from an unknown reason I published by mistake my key, so you tell me that as it was compromised, you will void it for future updates, perhaps that is the problem.

If that is the case, can you reset my key ?

Thanks again

My  Order #: 2641455

My  Customer ID: 437654

My mail   jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar


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6 hours ago, Solito said:

remember that originally I had some problem which needed your support, and from an unknown reason I published by mistake my key, so you tell me that as it was compromised, you will void it for future updates, perhaps that is the problem.

Ok... you could have mentioned this earlier...

This is the old topic: 

In which my last comment was:


If/when you upgrade and your license fails. It will still validate in the installer, but when you run FSUIPC you will find your assignments have gone as you will be unregistered. When that happens (and if i haven't PM'ed you a new license by then), just comment on this topic again to remind me.

i.e. you should have posted in that topic and we could have resolved this a lot quicker!

I will PM you a new key later today or tomorrow. For the time being, you can download and use the trial license/key file, available in a sticky post at the top of this forum.


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