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Adding TrackIR5 to MSFS.bat


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I wish to add TrackIR5 to my MSFS.bat, located at the FSUIPC folder, that way I don't need in the future to launch it previously as I have done up to today .

As I dont know the correct syntax, perhaps somebody can help me

My TrackIR5 path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe


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You should use either the MSFS EXE.xml file (which also starts FSUIPC) or FSUIPC's facilities to load and run additional programs, not the MSFS.bat file.

To use FSUIPC's facilities, see the section Programs: facilities to load and run additional programs on page 43 of the Advanced User guide.

To use MSFS's EXE.xml file, open it in an editor (the location can be found in your InstallFSUIPC7.log file) and add a new<Launch.Addon>..</Launch.Addon> section as detailed below, directly before the closing </SimBase.Document> element (NB your FSUIPC entry will be on one line - I have added line breaks below to make more readable):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
		<Path><yout path>\FSUIPC7.exe</Path>
		<Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe</Path>

If you really want to use the MSFS.bat file, add the line:
     start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"
before the exit command.

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Another question :

I use the VRInsight MPanel which I manually launch once MSFS is running, as it needs FUIPC to work. Once started it opens a small window with some options, which are saved, and the next step is pressing the button "fly now"

Is there a way to launch it automatically with MSFS  ?

The path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\VRInsight\bin\VRiSim.exe

Thanks again

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8 hours ago, Solito said:

Is there a way to launch it automatically with MSFS  ?

If course, in exactly the same ways as I showed you for your TrackIR5 program - I don't understand why you need to ask this again...

Btw, I wouldn't recommend starting anything from the MSFS.bat file really. Programs started this way will keep running after MSFS has stopped/exited - if you use one of the other methods, they will also quit when you quit MSFS. And if the program you are starting is an FSUIPC is an FSUIPC client program. that should be started (and stopped) by FSUIPC, using the ini [Programs] section.


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I asked again because, as you could read, the launching process of the aplication is diferent as in TrackIR, this one is in 2 steps, and also it must be launched after FSUIPC, and I dont know how to handle both things.

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If it needs launching after FSUIPC, use the facilities provided by FSUIPC to launch the program, as advised.
For the 2nd step (click fly-now), I can't help with that - you will have to click, or check to see if there are any command-line options that bypass that stage. If it is expecting the plane to be ready-to-fly (in MSFS) before you click, then that program should really be using FSUIPC (offsets) to determine this - ask about this with the program provider/developer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried launching TrackIR5 from the exe.xml file instead of the bat file as you sugested but it doenst work 

My modified exe.xml is :


<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
<Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe</Path>
I attach the file
I dont know what I am doing wrong



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Looks ok to me, so I'm not sure why its not loading....are you sure that this is the correct path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe

If so, you could try switching FSUIPC7/TrackIR5  around - I have done this for you in the attached Exe.xml file: EXE.xml

If that isn't working, you could try re-installing TrackIR5 into a different non-windows protected folder (and then update the Path in the EXE.xml).
Alternatively, you can look into using FSUIPC7 to start TrackIT5 using the FSUIPC7ini file [Programs] section - see the Advanced User guide for details.

You can also try starting TrackIR5 from the command line using the same command as in the EXE.xml - this may give you an error message telling you why it can't be started...


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On 7/2/2022 at 7:58 PM, Solito said:

Thanks John, that new exe.xml works OK now

I remembered you said that editing the exe.xml was a better option than the *.bat, as the app should quit once MSFS and FSUIPC are ended. Nevertheless, in my case it doesnt happen, it keeps running, so it behaves as the *.bat file

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Ah, ok...I thought MSFS would stop programs that it has started once exited...but, thinking about this, FSUIPC7 does monitor for MSFS and shuts itself down when not present, so I guess it starts them but not stops them...

You would need to use FSUIPC's facilities for starting this program if you also want it exited when you quit MSFS/FSUIPC7. Its quite straightforward to do this - see the section in the Advanced User guide for details.


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I went to the advancer user guider, and learned how to use the FSUIPC.ini for my purpose.

I added a [programs] sector and a line, but it seems I am doing something wrong as it Track IR doesnt start with MSFS

I attach the ini file

Thanks again


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Please check your FSUIPC7.log file - there should be an error message/code there which should indicate why it is not starting.
You can post/attach it here.

Btw, are you using a licensed/registered version? This functionality is only available in the registered version. I ask as your FSUIPC7.ini is empty (i.e. no assignments).


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Thanks John

My FSUIPC is registered, but there are no assignments because I dont use the app to configure them

The log error line is:  3125 FSUIPC couldn't run: ""C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"" in folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5" [Error=740]

I attach the log file


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Windows error code 740 is The required operation requires elevation. i.e. You need admin privileges to run it. Check that the TrackIR5.exe is not set to be run as admin. If it isn't, it could be due to windows security on the Program Files (x86) folder. If that is the case, you need to either re-install TrackIR5 into a different folder (recommended), or run MSFS with Admin privileges.


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TrackIR5.exe wasnt set as admin, so I checked the option and now it is set accordingly. Then I ran MSFS and got the same error at the FSUIPC log file. (I attach it) 

I dont know if MSFS is running with Admin privileges, as cannot found its executable.- The MSFS shortcut only refers to a "fastlaunch" from which I dont know nothing about.

Can you help me about that ?




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Just now, Solito said:

TrackIR5.exe wasnt set as admin, so I checked the option and now it is set accordingly. Then I ran MSFS and got the same error at the FSUIPC log file. (I attach it) 

Well, you would do...if its not set to run as admin, then the issue is with the folder permissions (as I said)... What did you check that option? You should remove that...

As I have already said, you should re-install TrackIR5 into a different folder.

2 minutes ago, Solito said:

The MSFS shortcut only refers to a "fastlaunch" from which I dont know nothing about.

-FastLaunch is an option used when starting MSFS - the start command is this one:
    cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
MSFS uses various links, and it is not a good idea to set MSFS to run with Admin privileges. Please ret re-installing TrackIR5 into a non-windows protected folder, as suggested.


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Just for your info, John

I uninstalled TrackIR5 and reinstalled in a C folder,  replaced the old TrackIR5 path with the new one at the exe.xml, and still got the same error.

So I quit, and stay using the FSUIPC.bat as before

Thanks for all


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Ok, but this does seems strange. I do have TrackIR5 on my flight system, although I haven't used it for quite a while, and not with MSFS/FSUIPC7. I will take a look at some point to see if I can get FSUIPC7 to auto-start this and let you know what I find.


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Hi @Solito

I have just been looking at this, and get the same as you - error 740 when trying to start TrackIR5 from the windows. However, I can start it ok when using the following:


Run1=cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"

i.e. When running using a command shell.
However, when doing this, TrackIR5 will not exit with FSUIPC/MSFS, even if you use the CLOSE or KILL options, as these  affect the command shell and not the TrackIR5 instance.

I have also investigated this before - please see 



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