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overcast/undercast fix??

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In know this is an issue with FS9. The problem of having 'transparent' overcast/undercast (i.e. you can see the ground.

I was wondering if FSUIPC could force FS9 to display say 7/8 coverage when FSMeteo sends it an OVC condition? Would this force it show clouds instead of the transparent fog effect we get now?

Just thinking outloud.


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In know this is an issue with FS9. The problem of having 'transparent' overcast/undercast (i.e. you can see the ground.

I've seen folks mention this, but I don't get it happening often, only when the clouds below me are pretty thin. When do you see it? So far most of the cloud effects I've seen in FS2004 are pretty good. Do you have all the sliders in Options-Settings-Display-weather set full right?

I was wondering if FSUIPC could force FS9 to display say 7/8 coverage when FSMeteo sends it an OVC condition?

FSMeteo doesn't send "OVC", it sets the coverage directly through FSUIPC's New Weather Interface.

Surely a cover of 8/8 is more than 7/8? There's something I'm not understanding about your suggestion it seems -- why do you never want overcast weather?

Realy, the correct place for any such weird options, to "distort" the weather, is in the weather provider, i.e. FSMeteo. But i must admit I don't see the point of never allowing overcast clouds.



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I've seen folks mention this, but I don't get it happening often, only when the clouds below me are pretty thin. When do you see it?

I get it quite frequently. It occured just in the last 24 hours. May I suggest that you try flying around the Sitka Alaska airport during the day using fs9 real wx (changes set to 0) soon? I suspect that the wx may be similar to what I experienced.

So far most of the cloud effects I've seen in FS2004 are pretty good. Do you have all the sliders in Options-Settings-Display-weather set full right?

Agreed, most are very good. No, I do not have all my wx slider full right. I have them about 75% or so to the right.

FSMeteo doesn't send "OVC", it sets the coverage directly through FSUIPC's New Weather Interface.

Surely a cover of 8/8 is more than 7/8? There's something I'm not understanding about your suggestion it seems -- why do you never want overcast weather?

I am suspecting that it may have to do with possibly fs9 treating 8/8 differently than any other density. I say this because when it has happend to me, I can manually reset to 7/8 or 6/8 and immediatly the undercast is dense (looks like actual cloud formations vs. thin fog). However, this does not last as FS9 updates to the next station.

Realy, the correct place for any such weird options, to "distort" the weather, is in the weather provider, i.e. FSMeteo. But i must admit I don't see the point of never allowing overcast clouds.

You are correct, there is no point in not wanting overcast. I want it, in fact I want it so badly that I actually pause the sim to manually change the setting to get it. Again, it is very well done as an overcast (looking from below) but does not stand up well as an undercast (looking from above). I am new to this forum and will experiment with some jpg showing this condition.



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... it is very well done as an overcast (looking from below) but does not stand up well as an undercast (looking from above). I am new to this forum and will experiment with some jpg showing this condition.

Really, you are addressing the wrong person on this. I think, if you want FSMeteo to alter 8/8 to 7/8 then you should be talking to the author, Marc Philibert.

However, if what you really want is for a cloud layer to be 8/8 when the aircraft is below it, but 7/8 when above, then I am sorry but I don't think that will be possible -- or at least it is almost impossible, and if attempted would most certainly introduce many stutters and even pauses whilst the weather for all the stations is re-submitted and the weather engine regenerates the clouds (and everything else).

The problem, you see, is that to make the weather work smoothly at all in FS2004, weather programs, like FS, set all the weather stations around you. It is all localised weather, and FS then implements the graphics based on those stations, along with "interpolations" for some of the elements between stations. I cannot affect the derivations it makes, and to change the weather set at stations means re-submitting the whole station weather for each station which may be in the visibility area, and even outside it.

I cannot get at the individual parameters FS uses to decide what to do about the graphics, you see. I can read specific stations and write specific stations. That's it, and that's what FSMeteo is using.



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