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Full 737 Android App?

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Hi there! 

I'm a current sub for the web client for the 737 suite. I was wondering if a paid version of the 737 app might come to android. I have come to find with the -700, it is a lot easier to multitask my takeoff setup from my phone than it is to be tabbing between the simulator and my browser. It's also a bit frustrating to have to re-login every time I use it and get an e-mail authentication. 


Basically; like the 777 paid app, will we possibly get a 737 paid app that includes the rest of the NG frames?

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at the moment the development focus is on web version of the calculator. There are several reasons for this:

  • entire application is centralized, so all updates bug fixes etc. are rolled out instantly and are available to everyone at the same time
  • web version uses more precise calculations and it's truly "as real as it gets"
  • web version does not suffer from compatibility issues - everyone with a web browser get the same experience

I understand that logging in might be annoying, but its a necessary security feature that ensures all the users end up with uninterrupted service.


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