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New offsets for PMDG 737-800? (Recirc fans and FLT ALT / LAND ALT)


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Hi John and Pete,

After changing from PMDG 737-700 to 737-800 I have noted two issues in my overhead:

-FLT ALT and LAND ALT displays won´t work anymore (with offsets 656C and 6572, String type). Do you know if they have changed in 737-800?

-As 737-800 has two Recirc fan switches instead of one as in 737-700, I would need the corresponding offsets if you know.

Thank you so much!


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3 minutes ago, OVD said:

After changing from PMDG 737-700 to 737-800 I have noted two issues in my overhead:

-FLT ALT and LAND ALT displays won´t work anymore (with offsets 656C and 6572, String type). Do you know if they have changed in 737-800?

-As 737-800 has two Recirc fan switches instead of one as in 737-700, I would need the corresponding offsets if you know.

Sorry, but I have no details on the SDK for the PMDG 737-800, and the SDK for the 737-700 has not even been published yet. I cannot look into the PMDG specific offsets until PMDG have published the SDK details.

Try asking on the PMDG support forum.


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1 hour ago, OVD said:

The only pending think is the offsets for Recirc fans.

Check to see if there is an lvar that can be used. i.e. list them and see if any look applicable. If so, you can then add that lvar to a free user offset.

1 hour ago, OVD said:

Could you put the link to the pmdg subforum?




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Hi John,

Before contacting PMDG forum, I realized that what I need is really an event ID (not an offset), as Recic Fans are inputs (not outputs). I have tried 70504 and 69828 from PMDG 737 for P3D, but it won´t work.

Has somebody published Event IDs for PMDG 737-700 or 737-8000 in FS2020? Or should we also wait for SDK too? 

Thank you!

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12 minutes ago, OVD said:

Has somebody published Event IDs for PMDG 737-700 or 737-8000 in FS2020?

Yes - there are presets available for the 737-700 - the ones for the 737-800 are the same, see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/.
You should always use that site as the first point-of-call for such questions, as that is the THE community-driven resource for such things, led by MobiFlight.
For the recirc fans I find these:


which translate to:

    PMDG B737 Recirc Fan: 87201 (>K:ROTOR_BRAKE)
    PMDG_B737-7_PNEUMATIC_RECIRC_FAN_OFF: 100 (L:switch_196_73X, number) == if{ 19602 (>K:ROTOR_BRAKE) }
    PMDG_B737-7_PNEUMATIC_RECIRC_FAN_AUTO: 0 (L:switch_196_73X, number) == if{ 19601 (>K:ROTOR_BRAKE) }

The first two are simple Rotor Brake assignments, and the second the same but have an initial test on an lvar value before setting. You can either just use the presets, or assign to the Rotor Brake control with the required parameter. For the lvar checks, you can add the lvars to an offset and also check those, or maybe those values are already available in the PMDG offset area, I don't know... But easier just to assign to the presets.


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Thanks John, sorry but this is already more complicated to me... As I know, event IDs are <custom control> option in FSUIPC. For P3D were 70504 and 69828. The problem now is that 737-700 has one recirc fan switch and 737-800 has two (L and R). One event id of them would be 87201 as you told? And the other?

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59 minutes ago, OVD said:

sorry but this is already more complicated to me...

What is complicated? You just check the preset box in the button assignments panel and you wo;; see those presets and you can just assign to them to test....nothing complicated....

1 hour ago, OVD said:

As I know, event IDs are <custom control> option in FSUIPC. For P3D were 70504 and 69828.

Maybe, but that was P3D....the PMDG 737/738 for MSFS is quite different. It uses the Rotor Brake control for a start, and not custom controls. But if you have the PMDG header file you can calculate the Rotor Brake parameter to use - see the following FAQ entry: 


1 hour ago, OVD said:

The problem now is that 737-700 has one recirc fan switch and 737-800 has two (L and R). One event id of them would be 87201 as you told? And the other?

I really have no idea - I do not own the 737-800 and have never seen any documentation for this aircraft. You can try the P3D custom controls converted to Rotor Brake parameters, as that FAQ entry shows, or use the standard method of determining what control/parameter to use: Logging. Activate logging for Events, open the logging console (Log->Open Console) and then flip the switch in the virtual cockpit with the mouse. See what is logged, the control/event name (most probably Rotor Brake) and the parameter, and then try assigning to that.


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Hi John,

Problem solved! Very useful information from you. I found an .h document where I could find the event for both Recirc Fans and I calculated their rotor brake and inserted them in FSUIPC. Both swithes work perfectly.

Thank you so much!

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Hi John,

Yes of course!

#define EVT_OH_BLEED_RECIRC_FAN_L_SWITCH                (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 872)        

So Rotor brakes would be: 87201 and 19601.

I enclose the original document where I found it.

Thank you!


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Ok, thanks, There are already presets for these Rotor Brake parameters for the 737-700:
    PMDG B737 Recirc Fan:  87201 (>K:ROTOR_BRAKE)

Still no separate preset list for the 737-800 - not sure why this is....


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