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FFB Flight Illusion

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Since the release of SU10 / SDK, there are issues with masking events for calibration purposes. I am still investigating these issues and will file a bug report with Asobo, but for the time being I have had to remove the ability to calibrate an axis if not assigned with 'Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration'. Therefore if you want to use FSUIPC's calibration facilities, you must assign in this manner.

Note you can still scale (and reverse) an axis assigned with 'Send to FS as normal axis', but such assigned axis will no longer be calibrated by FSUIPC.


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Thanks for your quick answer. But It's not only with calibration : I can see the axis move  in the FSUIPC's axis tab with my HOTAS yoke, but not with the FFB yoke  Flight illusion. The FFB yoke works in the planes, (C172 PMDG 737...) the only problem is that it's shaking with the 737 and I can't use the PA 😔 I wanted to get more important deadzone...

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3 hours ago, Jim Supersym said:

I can see the axis move  in the FSUIPC's axis tab with my HOTAS yoke, but not with the FFB yoke 

And you could see the FFB yoke axis in FSUIPC previously? There really should be no change in controller/axes recognition as nothing has changed in this area - FSUIPC reads hardware devices directly and not via the sim. So I think something else must be going on.

Can you show me/attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files please.


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Your log and ini files show that you have never had the FFB yoke assigned in FSUIPC, so your issue is not related to an MSFS or FSUIPC update - unless you had previously assigned in MSFS and calibrated in FSUIPC7 (which is no longer possible at the moment). You do have one controller assigned that is now missing:


A=TPR T.Pendular Rudder << MISSING JOYSTICK >>

Your FFB yoke is not supported by FSUIPC, you will have to assign in the sim. Previously it was also possible to calibrate in FSUIPC7 when assigned in the sim, but since SU10 this is no longer possible, sorry.


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4 minutes ago, Jim Supersym said:

No tit's not the pendullar. This one was'nt connected.

Yes I know, that is what I said ('You do have one controller assigned that is now missing:').

5 minutes ago, Jim Supersym said:

t's the FFB yoke from Flight illusion :

 this one : https://www.flightillusion.com/controls/ffb-yokes/hw-ffb-csn/

Yes, I know, This yoke is not recognised or supported by FSUIPC. It is not an HID joystick type device.


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15 minutes ago, Jim Supersym said:

In fsuipc 6 I can calibrate the yoke. Not in 7

But how is the yoke assigned in P3Dv5/FSUIPC6? Presumably in P3D, no?
As I have said, it was previously possible to calibrate axes when assigned in MSFS or when assigned in FSUIPC to 'Send to FS as normal axis', but since the release of SU10 this is no longer possible. With P3D/FSUIPC6, this is still possible.


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