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Offset.SetValue() method doesn't work, it simply does nothing


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Writing an offset using SetValue() method ignores the value passed in as parameter.

Consider this code:


var thrustInput1Offset = new Offset<short>(0x089A, true); //write
				int value3 = 9000;
				var convertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value3, typeof(short));
				thrustInput1Offset.SetValue(convertedValue); // <= The internal value of the offset is not changed after this call


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The SetValue() and GetValue() methods should not be visible when using the Offset<> class. It's an oversight on my part.

If you're using the strong-typing class like Offset<short> you should be setting the value with 

thrustInput1Offset.Value = convertedValue;

I'll hide these two methods in the next release.


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The original design was that if you need polymorphism then you use the Offset base class directly, without the strong-typing like this:

            var thrustInput1Offset = new Offset(0x089A, 2, true); // Untyped offset - Must always set the length
            int value3 = 9000;
            var convertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value3, typeof(short));
            // Read like this...
            short readValue = thrustInput1Offset.GetValue<short>();
            // or like this...
            short readValue2 = (short)thrustInput1Offset.GetValue(typeof(short));

However, I've now overridden SetValue() and GetValue() in the strongly-typed Offset<> class to handle the extra stuff that's needed for Offset<>. Both methods should now work with the Offset<> class.

There is a new preview release on NuGet 3.2.22-beta2. Check the [include pre-release] box to see it,


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Excellent, thank you.

"thrustInput1Offset.GetValue<short>();" - This is still using static typing so it is limited in use, ... The static typing is an issue when you are setting the value SetValue<short>(). For GetValue it usually doesn't matter because you have to cast the returned value back to specific data type unless you are displaying it.

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