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A320 Néo Efis ND Map Item Dec


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Good morning, John

With FSuipc7 MSFS A320 Neo.

From my personal manufacturing button module connected to a BBI32 Leo Bodnar board.

the Pressing button E 29 on this card is recognized by FSuipc7 in operation in MSFS and (MSFS connect selected), MSFS A320Néo in flight.

Button and card are recognized in this way by FSuipc7 (Joy #E 29 Btn#). Then I select in the window [Control sent when button pressed], (Efis ND Map Item Dec) and Parameter 1.

this has no action in the cockpit of the A320 Neo, why?

Thanks John for your help


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49 minutes ago, Gordone said:

Then I select in the window [Control sent when button pressed], (Efis ND Map Item Dec) and Parameter 1.

That control won't work for the A320 Neo - it uses offset 0x0E04 which is not available in MSFS. I need to update the documentation on these additional controls as many no longer work with MSFS.

I am not sure if it is possible to control this in the Asobo A320 Neo. You could try activating logging for Events, open the logging console, and operate the Efis ND map increase/decrease controls in the virtual cockpit to see if anything is logged. If so, you can assign to that. Otherwise, check to see if setting the following lvars has any affect: A32NX_EFIS_R_ND_RANGE and A32NX_EFIS_L_ND_RANGE. Initially try changing the value of those lvars using the Add-ons->WASM->Set Lvar... menu option. If they work, then you can create your own presets to use those lvars and assign to those, or add the lvars to FSUIPC offsets (as UB) and control by assigning to increase/decrease the value if the lvar using the offset controls. I can help you with either of these options if required, but first check if those lvars are working (i.e. you can update/write to them and that has the desired affect).

Note that there are many functions that are not possible to control when using the Asobo A320. You may be better off switching to the FBW A320 which has many more systems implemented for external control. Take a look at the MobiFlight HubHop site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) to see what presets are available for control of this aircraft. 


NB. I can update those lvars ok but it doesn't look like they have any affect...but please try yourself...

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Thanks for your reply John.

but despite reading the FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users pdf, I can't find a concrete step-by-step example with screenshot to configure an action with FSuipc for MSFS A320 Neo or other.

you tell me to configure (The lvar A320_Neo_MFD_Range seems to work, so you could use that....)

but how to enter this action in FSuipc7 for MSFS A320 Neo, please can you explain me step by step and with screenshot

thanks again


First, did you check that this lvar is working for you by using the Add-ibs->WASM->Set Lvar... menu item, as suggested? If not, first do that. This will confirm that you have the WASM installed and WAPI enabled so that you can use the lvar facilities. Also see what he maximum value makes sense for this lvar (maybe 5?)

I'm sorry, but I am rather busy and do not have time to provide screenshots for this, especially when it is well documented and there are also many other support requests explaining this.

Once you have confirmed the lvar is working, you need to add it to a FSUIPC offset. This is explained in the Advanced user guide, You need to create a new section in your FSUIPC7.ini as follows:


Alternatively, and better, if you are using Profiles you should add this in a profile section instead, i.e.


where xxx is your profile name.

That will add the lvar L:A320_Neo_MFD_Range to offset 0xA000 as an unsigned byte.

You can then assign to the offset control, using  Offset UByte Increment for the increment button and Offset UByte Decrement for the decrement control, giving the offset as 0xA000. For the decrement control parameter, you want to decrease by 1 with a limit of 0, so the parameter would be 0x00000001, and for the increment control, you need to determine what the maximum value is (test by setting the lvar, as advised),  but assuming this is 5, then the parameter for the decrement control would be 0x00050001.




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Good morning, John.

I'm sorry the use of Lvars with offsets are too complex for me.

I would wait for a detailed tutorial.

In the meantime, I will buy the PMDG 737, should I choose the 737-700 or the 737-800.

do you have the same Offsets and function for FSuipc et Mobiflight .

Thanks John.

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I deleted one of your posts as you had just copied and pasted my previous comment.

1 hour ago, Gordone said:

I'm sorry the use of Lvars with offsets are too complex for me.

What is too complex? I gave simple instructions - what do you not understand? Have you even tried?

1 hour ago, Gordone said:

I would wait for a detailed tutorial.

You will be waiting for a long time...

1 hour ago, Gordone said:

In the meantime, I will buy the PMDG 737, should I choose the 737-700 or the 737-800.

Controlling wither of these aircraft is a lot more complex than using standard/default aircraft. You will have to use lvars/hvars/custom controls and presets for almost everything, so you really need to familiarise yourself with how to use these if using such aircraft.

Having said that, I don't think there is much difference between the control of these aircraft. I only have the 737-700, and there are only presets available for the 737-700 on the MF HubHop preset list (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/), but other users have said that most controls (custom controls and presets) are the same for both aircraft, although some differences have been reported.

1 hour ago, Gordone said:

do you have the same Offsets and function for FSuipc et Mobiflight .

Not sure what you mean here, but the specific PMDG offsets are available for the 737-700, and I believe these also work for the 737-800. There is a document included in the FSUIPC7 documentation  for the PMDG-specific offsets, so please see that. There are also some User Contributions on how to use the SDK, so check the User Contributions sub-forum (as well as maybe the FAQ sub-forum).


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