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1) Best practices for moving multi position switches and 2) Pulse lights

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Two questions, if you don't mind.... :-)

1 - I'm trying to add some automation to PMDG 737-700 and I was able to make it work. I just don't know if there is a better/clever way to do it.

Take for example the Transponder Mode Selector (EVT_TCAS_MODE, custom control 70432, offset 6C64), I am doing the following to move it to TA/RA position:

8=73,10,70432,16384       -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

9=73,10,70432,16384       -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

10=73,10,70432,16384     -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

11=73,10,70432,16384     -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

In other words, I'm sending 4x "Mouse Wheel Up" (0x00004000 or 16384). That is because this particular switch has 5 positions (STBY, ALT RPTG OFF, XPNDR, TA ONLY, and, finally, TA/RA which is the one I want).

I know I have the option to use offset conditions to make it more efficient/"elegant" and I plan to use it. But the question is still relevant because there will be situations where multiple "moves" will be needed.


2 - This plane has an option to use pulse landing lights. When this option is turned on, the landing lights switch has 3 positions (up = off, middle = pulse, down = on). Offset 6596 shows:

0x0 when both are off

0x1 when left is on and right is off

0x100 when left is off and right is on

0x101 when both are on

So far so good. However, when using the pulse lights, the offset value keeps changing every second or so. I'm trying to find a way to determine what kind of light is being used, the pulse or the steady one. I know PMDG, as the developer, should be the one to clarify this and I will make sure to check with them. But maybe (just maybe :-)) someone here came across this situation and has something to share.

Any help is appreciated.

9 hours ago, Arlei Capati said:

1 - I'm trying to add some automation to PMDG 737-700 and I was able to make it work. I just don't know if there is a better/clever way to do it.

Take for example the Transponder Mode Selector (EVT_TCAS_MODE, custom control 70432, offset 6C64), I am doing the following to move it to TA/RA position:

8=73,10,70432,16384       -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

9=73,10,70432,16384       -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

10=73,10,70432,16384     -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

11=73,10,70432,16384     -{lctl+I: Press=Custom control: <70432> }-

In other words, I'm sending 4x "Mouse Wheel Up" (0x00004000 or 16384). That is because this particular switch has 5 positions (STBY, ALT RPTG OFF, XPNDR, TA ONLY, and, finally, TA/RA which is the one I want).

I know I have the option to use offset conditions to make it more efficient/"elegant" and I plan to use it. But the question is still relevant because there will be situations where multiple "moves" will be needed.

The better/easier way to do this in MSFS is to use preset controls. For example. to move the Transponder Mode Selector to the TA/RA position you can assign to the preset PMDG B737 TCAS MODE TA RA. Please see the MF HubHob site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) for a list of available presets. and also the section on using presets in the Advanced User guide (WASM section). These are the available presets for the PMDG TCAS, all of which should be available through FSIOPC7:


10 hours ago, Arlei Capati said:

2 - This plane has an option to use pulse landing lights. When this option is turned on, the landing lights switch has 3 positions (up = off, middle = pulse, down = on). Offset 6596 shows:

0x0 when both are off

0x1 when left is on and right is off

0x100 when left is off and right is on

0x101 when both are on

So far so good. However, when using the pulse lights, the offset value keeps changing every second or so. I'm trying to find a way to determine what kind of light is being used, the pulse or the steady one. I know PMDG, as the developer, should be the one to clarify this and I will make sure to check with them. But maybe (just maybe :-)) someone here came across this situation and has something to share.

Offset 0x6596 is a 2-byte offset for LTS_LandingLtFixedSw, so offset 0x6596 will be 1-byte containing the state of the left light, and 0x6597 is 1 byte for that of the right light. You can read it as two bytes, as you seem to be doing, and doing that will give the values you show, For the lights  option position switch, you could try reading offset 0x65A0 which is  LTS_PositionSw, and has values 
    0: STEADY
    1: OFF

Otherwise, I would ask about this on the PMDG support forums. If you do post there, best just to mention the SDK variable names rather than FSUIPC offsets, and refer to the SDK rather than FSUIPC - otherwise they  will just refer you back here!





Hi John,

Thanks for pointing me to a better direction. I will make sure to read the document as per your suggestion.

When it comes to reading offset 0x65A0, I'm not on my sim PC right now but I will try as soon as possible. However, if I remember correctly, I'm already reading this offset to determine the status of the position switch and, as such, it does not have anything to do with landing lights. But will confirm and, if needed, reach out to PMDG (with no mention to offset/FSUIPC).

Thanks again.

1 hour ago, Arlei Capati said:

I'm already reading this offset to determine the status of the position switch and, as such, it does not have anything to do with landing lights.

Ok -  are the pulse landing lights something you configure for the aircraft in the equipment options in the FMS?
If so, then aren't they either always set to pulse or not, whether the lights are on or off, and the only way of changing this is to reconfigure the aircraft (i.e. there is no standard switch or button for this)?

I don't think there is  a way to access the aircraft configuration/set-up options via the PMDG SDK. But again, this would be a question for PMDG.



Hi Jonh,

Yes, the pulse landing light is an option we can enable/disable for the plane in the FMS options screen. When enabled, the corresponding switch will offer 3 positions (off, pulse, or steady). So they will not always pulse, it will only pulse if you move the switch to the 'pulse' position. It will still be a pilot choice.

Hope it is clear now. I will update this thread once I hear from them.

Thank you.

13 hours ago, Arlei Capati said:

When enabled, the corresponding switch will offer 3 positions (off, pulse, or steady). So they will not always pulse, it will only pulse if you move the switch to the 'pulse' position. It will still be a pilot choice.

Ah, ok. I will enable in the FMS and take a look...

13 hours ago, Arlei Capati said:

Hope it is clear now. I will update this thread once I hear from them.

Yep, and that would be good, thanks,



Just taken a look at the available lvars and found these lvars for the landing light position switches:
    L:switch_111_73X - retractable left
    L:switch_112_73X - retractable right
    L:switch_113_73X - fixed left
    L:switch_114_73X - fixed right

They hold 0 when the corresponding light is off, 50 when set to pulse, and 100 when on.
You can therefore use those to determine the switch positions.

You can add those lvars to free FSUIPC offsets using the Lvars-to-offsets facility.

Also lvar L:LandingLightOptions holds the landing light configuration,




Hi John, 

Wow! This is great! Thank you so much for this finding and to report it. Really appreciated. I will test it as far as I have a chance.

Still getting acquainted with all the different things (Lvars, offsets, events, etc.) so exploration is slow on my end. You saved me a bunch of hours, LOL 😆 

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