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FSUIPC_WASM and Simconnect in same GUI program in C++ - SOLVED see last post

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Does someone have an example of a working program?

I'd an ordinary GUI with just need one call to WASM, and one to SimConnect (ie: toggle Parking Brake), ideally in C++ but beggars can't be chosers.

I can get the 59 Events/SimVars in the SDK examples working fine in my simple GUI using C++.
I can get Offsets for my 3 variables working fine in Paul Henty's FSUIPCclientDLLforNET or MSFSVariableServices using VB.NET.
I can kinda get at those 3 variables in the WASMClient-Master using C++, yeah, using the GUI and that's it.

My problem is that extracting code from the WASMClient to work in my rinky-dink GUI is way over my head.
And converting Paul's VB.NET into C++ is also over my capacities.

Hence why I'm asking if anyone has an example doing both functions; using SimConnect and WASM.  Or is that physically impossible?

I can't even use a keystroke for the ADF Mode Selector for the Cessna 152 (I saw nothing on the keyboard options).  And anyways I'll have the same problems if not worse for the larger planes.

These are the options I've found to date (that C++ stand-alone works just fine and I understand what's going on, mostly):




  • Demon changed the title to FSUIPC_WASM and Simconnect in same GUI program in C++ - SOLVED see last post
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