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DCDU presets/offsets


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I connected my switches using the LeoBodnar cards. These cards are recognized by FSUIPC but not by Mobiflight. So I need the "Presets" in the dropdown menu in FSuipc. There I also find all other FBW switches, only not (yet) for the DCDU. What can I do, who do I contact? How do these presets get into the FSUIPC menu?
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I connected my switches using the LeoBodnar cards. These cards are recognized by FSUIPC but not by Mobiflight. So I need the "Presets" in the dropdown menu in FSuipc. There I also find all other FBW switches, only not (yet) for the DCDU. What can I do, who do I contact? How do these presets get into the FSUIPC menu?
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Your comments are extremely small and difficult to read - can you please try and post them as plain text in future.

Please read the documentation on how to use presets, in the Advanced User guide, in the WASM section.

Presets are made available via the mobiflight events.txt file, and you can also define your own in a file called myevents.txt. They are loaded automatically and available for assignment when you select/check the Select for Preset checkbox. The events.txt file is the MF file at the time of release, so is always slightly out-of-date compared with those available on the MF HubHop site. If you want to use a newer preset, you can download the events.txt file from the MF HubHob site and use that to replace the one in your FSUIPC7 installation folder.

This is all explained in the provided documentation for FSUIPC7.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, bur what do you mean?
All presets in an events.txt file in the correct location (the FSUIPC7 installation folder) will be loaded and available after checking the Select for Preset checkbox.
If you replace/install the file when FSUIPC7 is running, you will need to restart it.

Any issues, please let me know what presets are defined in the events.txt file that are not available and I will take a look. But if the preset is defined in the correct format, I really cannot see how it cannot be available for assignment, so please double-check that the preset is in the file and that the file is in the correct location.


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Hi. I moved (replaced) the event file (attachment) to the main FSuipc folder as described.
I also ticked "select for preset". But I can't find the new presets for the DCDU in the list. can you check that please


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46 minutes ago, HAM016 said:

But I can't find the new presets for the DCDU in the list. can you check that please

As I said, please tell me the name of these presets. If you open your events.txt file in an editor, do you see the presets in the file? All presets in this file will be loaded.

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17 minutes ago, HAM016 said:

I have read the wrong "presets"-names - now I have read the right ones and I have found it in the List (FSUIPC)

Ok, thanks for the update. Could you possibly let me know what the preset names for the DCDU are as this may help others who have the same problem finding these.

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Pilot DCDU L1

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Co-Pilot DCDU L1

Pilot DCDU L2

Pilot DCDU Print

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Co-Pilot DCDU MSG-

Co-Pilot DCDU R2

Co-Pilot DCDU L2

Co-Pilot DCDU PGE-


Co-Pilot DCDU R1

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