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Problem with throttle axis


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In my plane Sting S4 I have problem with the throttle axis. In general it works as supposed but frequently it makes jump to the middle position. And when I see the values in FSUIPC calibration the values does indeed make strange jumps. When I changed plane to C172 the problem was not there and then switch back to the Sting the problem was back. When I first assigned axes to it I selected them to be based on Just Flight Piper Arrow which is a plane where I have also seen this problem. So I removed the entry for the Sting under [Profile.Piper Turbo Arrow] with the intention to reset the Sting assigment and set up them from scratch again. But that does not work. Under msfs own control assigment I have empty profiles for my controllers which are TM Hotas Warthoug Joystick and Throttle. I find no duplicate assignment for the throttle. I attach my fsuipc.ini


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First, you are using an old and unsupported version of FSUIPC7, v7.3..15. The latest and only supported version is 7.3.21 - please update.

14 hours ago, jfri57 said:

So I removed the entry for the Sting under [Profile.Piper Turbo Arrow] with the intention to reset the Sting assigment and set up them from scratch again.

But your Sting S4 is currently assigned to your C172 profile. In this profile, you have multiple throttle and mixture assignments::


0=AZ,256,D,6,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Mixture }-
1=AU,256,D,6,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Mixture }-
8=EX,256,D,4,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle }-
9=EZ,256,D,4,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle }-

This is always a bad idea as the assignments can interfere causing the axis to jump. You also have dual mixture assignments in the Kodiak and Antonov AN-2 profiles.
I see no such problem in your Piper Arrow profile, so I am surprised that you get this issue in that aircraft...

One of your [LvarOffsets.KODIAK] entries is also invalid as it contains no size/type specifier:



You should also consider using sub-strings for your aircraft profile names, e.g. change


1=Kodiak 100 Aviation Sans Frontieres
2=Kodiak 100 Legacy Livery 6



1=Kodiak 100

Once you have corrected this, please try again. Any issues, please re-attach your FSUIPC7.ini and also your FSUIPC7.log file,.

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