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Extract User Information


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Hi Team, 


I have been attempting to extract some aircraft data from the current user but am unable to find any offsets or systems that work. The information I require is:








any ideas on how I can pull this from the sim?

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You need to determine what holds this information. If there is a simulator variable available, check to see if this variable is held in an offset, and if not it can added. If no simvar is available, then you can check the available lvars, but you would have to do this for each aircraft.

AC MAX PASSENGERS: I cannot see anything that holds this. However, it could maybe (roughly) calculated from the weights, e.g.
                                                     ( (max gross weight - empty weight - fuel weight) / 220 lbs) 
                                      (where 220 lbs is the industry standard for the weigth of one passenger + luggage)

AC MTOW: could this be the MAX GROSS WEIGHT held in offset 0x1334?

AC MAXFUEL: this depends on whether the aircraft uses the new fuelsystem or the legacy one (held in offset 0x07A8). For aircrft that use the legacy system, you can use the FUEL TOTAL CAPACITY simvar held in offset 0x1240. For aircraft that use the new fuelsystem it is more complicated. If you know the nymber if tanks, you can sum the indexed simvar FUELSYSTEM TANK CAPACITY. However, I am not sure how to determine the number of tanks available, s you may be better off summing the capacity simvars (e.g. FUEL TANK CENTER CAPACITY, FUEL TANK CENTER2 CAPACITY, FUEL TANK CENTER3 CAPACITY, FUEL TANK EXTERNAL1 CAPACITY, etc). See https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Aircraft_SimVars/Aircraft_Fuel_Variables.htm

AC ZFW: this is again something you would have to calculate from the available weights

AC TAS: that should be in offset 0x02B8 (AIRSPEED TRUE)

AC MAX CRUISING ALT: not sure if this is available - I can only see a Design Cruise Altitude, i.e. optimal rather than max. See https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Aircraft_SimVars/Aircraft_FlightModel_Variables.htm.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


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