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I wanted to connect some pot so I can controll the light in the cockpit but I have must bought potentiometers on steroids. I even made the whole screen white. So I guess I have made something wrong but I have no clue. It's not a gradual increase of light it's more on off thing. And when I turn it down again it's not going back to normal. It's just glowing like crazy.

I have a Leobodnar card and 10k pot. It was the default a320.

Everything looks ok in FSUIPC and also in the flightsim itself. Thinking about the axis movement.


If you want me to check that you have assigned correctly, please show me your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter with appropriate logging activated.

  On 12/3/2023 at 11:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

It's not a gradual increase of light it's more on off thing.


This can either be due to an incorrect assignment, or the axis could have been flagged as a digital on/off axis in the windows registry, but I need to see your assignments and log to determine what the issue is. If the axis is flagged as a digital on/off axis, there is a post in the FAQ section on how to remedy this.



Please do not use the New Log function when sending logs to support - i need to see the full log file. If its too large, it can be zipped/compressed. This menu item will be disabled (by default) in the next release for this reason...

If you look at the log file you attached, you can see that the parameters to the LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET control, which will be the values your pot is sending, after calibration,  jump all over the place:


   570078 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570094 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 14335 (0x000037ff) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570094 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 10463 (0x000028df) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570110 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570157 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 10687 (0x000029bf) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570172 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570188 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570219 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570235 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1448 (0x000005a8) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570250 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570266 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16071 (0x00003ec7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570282 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -12284 (0xffffd004) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   570297 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET


Not sure why this is, but it certainly doesn't look correct... what values do you see when you move the pot slowly through its full range and back again? You should see the values increase and then decrease (or vica versa). If its not sending such values, there is an issue somewhere.

What are you trying to control with this?


Ah sorry I took the file from the folder I saw the date/time on the text dokument. So I don't know how to make a log. And yes I really got an issue with the file size. I will compress it next time. Both in the program and in msfs I see that the axis is pretty smooth with no jumps. But I haven't manage to calibrate it yet in FSUIPC. I see throttles and other things but I don't know how to calibrate this potentiometer. I am trying to make it work with the lighting in the cockpit, weather it's flood or panel or other light sources. 

What I find strange is that the light never went back to normal. That must mean that the value of the pot is way off in the lowest setting, right? What I also don't understand is that it's more like the on/off thing but in msfs when I check it in "sensitive" it looks fine.

Again I am new to this so I am trying to read and check videos but it is a handful 🙂 Not native english isn't really helping either. Should I delete what I already uploaded since now I can only upload 4.37kb?

  On 12/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

But I haven't manage to calibrate it yet in FSUIPC. I see throttles and other things but I don't know how to calibrate this potentiometer.


You cannot calibrate a LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_* axis, and this shouldn't be necessary. You only need to calibrate the main flight control axis.
Have you calibrated this axis in windows game controllers? That is where it may need to be calibrated.

  On 12/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

What I find strange is that the light never went back to normal. That must mean that the value of the pot is way off in the lowest setting, right?


Probably. But you can check via logging - keep the logging console open (Log->Open Console) and you can see the values sent in real time.

What In/Out values do you see in FSUIPC's axis assignment panel when you move the axis? What do you see as the minimum and maximum values for both in/out?

  On 12/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

Should I delete what I already uploaded since now I can only upload 4.37kb?


You can do. Your limit is low as you are a new user - it will increase as you post more.

  On 12/4/2023 at 4:43 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

Both in the program and in msfs I see that the axis is pretty smooth with no jumps.


What program? Do you mean FSUIPC? The log you attached shows very erratic values...



Strange that I didn't get any email notification of your response.

So my values are 16375-16384. Yes the "program" is FSUIPC.

So for this test I didn't have anything plugged in except the leo bodnar card. 

I am sooo curious about the light potentiometer 24 set, where is that coming from? Is that like just the normal overall light set by the sim? I thought I would have nothing in the log except my card.

Maybe this is a stupid question but I thought your program would like work together with the sim and not changing the sim. But this light issue must mean that it's changing the parameters/code or what you call it, not a programmer 🙂 To go beyond the original program. If this is the case, and this was a bad thing obviosly, do you have examples of this being helpful or even benefit to us?

Sorry for my rambling 🙂


FSUIPC7.rarFetching info...

  On 12/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

So my values are 16375-16384.


What values - in or out? That is a very small range, and also doesn't match the values shown in your previous log. But if those are the values FSUIPC is showing, tttthose are the values that FSUIPC is receiving from windows. Did you try calibrating  your pot in windows game controllers, as advised?

  On 12/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

I am sooo curious about the light potentiometer 24 set, where is that coming from? Is that like just the normal overall light set by the sim? I thought I would have nothing in the log except my card.


FSUIPC logs all events seen, not just those sent from FSUIPC. In fact, controls sent are never logged, only those that are applied. It is possible to send an event that isn't appplied/used in the loaded aircraft, and this will not be logged. And many aircraft in MSFS contiually emit certain events, and these events vary from aircraft to aircraft. You can ignore such events using the DontLogThese ini parameter.

  On 12/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

Maybe this is a stupid question but I thought your program would like work together with the sim and not changing the sim.


Not sure what this means... It does work together with the sim, and it only changes it if you instruct it to do so.

  On 12/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

But this light issue must mean that it's changing the parameters/code or what you call it, not a programmer


No it doesn't. As I said, that is just an event that is occurring and that FSUIPC is logging. It does not originate in FSUIPC. FSUIPC will log every event it sees, not just those that are sent.

  On 12/5/2023 at 11:53 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

To go beyond the original program. If this is the case, and this was a bad thing obviosly, do you have examples of this being helpful or even benefit to us?


No idea what this means... Of course it is helpful to log all events, this is thee whole point of event logging.

The log you attached shows the LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET event/control with values going from 16119 to -16184 and back again:


   416953 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16119 (0x00003ef7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   417047 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15855 (0x00003def) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   417187 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15599 (0x00003cef) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   417828 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15343 (0x00003bef) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   417937 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   418141 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15079 (0x00003ae7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   418562 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 14815 (0x000039df) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET

   426234 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 5656 (0x00001618) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426297 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 5328 (0x000014d0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426359 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 5048 (0x000013b8) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426391 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 4760 (0x00001298) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426453 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 4464 (0x00001170) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426531 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 4136 (0x00001028) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426609 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 3824 (0x00000ef0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426687 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 3552 (0x00000de0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426734 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 3256 (0x00000cb8) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426797 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 2968 (0x00000b98) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426875 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 2680 (0x00000a78) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   426953 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 2352 (0x00000930) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427031 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 2032 (0x000007f0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427094 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   427141 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1768 (0x000006e8) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427203 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1456 (0x000005b0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427297 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1200 (0x000004b0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427344 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 944 (0x000003b0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427391 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 624 (0x00000270) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427453 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 368 (0x00000170) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427500 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 80 (0x00000050) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427547 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -200 (0xffffff38) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   427594 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -489 (0xfffffe17) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET

   432187 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -14670 (0xffffc6b2) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   432266 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -14982 (0xffffc57a) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   432344 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15287 (0xffffc449) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   432406 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15599 (0xffffc311) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   432484 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15895 (0xffffc1e9) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   432562 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -16184 (0xffffc0c8) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   433141 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   434172 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   435187 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   435250 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15887 (0xffffc1f1) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   435312 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15583 (0xffffc321) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   435359 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -15247 (0xffffc471) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   435422 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -14942 (0xffffc5a2) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   435500 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -14614 (0xffffc6ea) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET

   438859 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -1177 (0xfffffb67) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   438906 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -825 (0xfffffcc7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   438984 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -521 (0xfffffdf7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439047 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= -144 (0xffffff70) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439125 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 112 (0x00000070) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439203 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 392 (0x00000188) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439203 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   439250 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 664 (0x00000298) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439312 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 920 (0x00000398) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439391 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1216 (0x000004c0) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439469 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1600 (0x00000640) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   439547 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 1936 (0x00000790) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET

   442031 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 13415 (0x00003467) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442109 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 13687 (0x00003577) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442156 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 13943 (0x00003677) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442234 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 14231 (0x00003797) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442266 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
   442281 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 14543 (0x000038cf) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442328 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 14799 (0x000039cf) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442391 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15079 (0x00003ae7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442437 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15351 (0x00003bf7) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442484 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15655 (0x00003d27) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442562 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 15927 (0x00003e37) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET
   442719 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67033 (0x000105d9), Param= 16183 (0x00003f37) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET


So that shows your pot axis is working as expected....so I am confused about your issue.

I will take a look at that control in the Asobo A320 here, when time permits, to see what effect it has.




Ah well you said "You cannot calibrate a LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_* axis, and this shouldn't be necessary"

So I didn't do it prior to this latest test but I did check it in the properties in windows, where you can calibrate it and it looked fine. I understand now that you were talking abouth within the FSUIPC

Oh well since I had problem sending files before but now I can get some more. I guess you see the problem.


Skärmbild 2023-12-03 231750.png

Skärmbild 2023-12-05 133950.png

Skärmbild 2023-12-05 133649.png

Skärmbild 2023-12-05 133728.png


I have just tried the LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET control here in the Asobo A320 and it doesn't have any effect whatsoever - it isn't even logged, which means it is not doing anything in the sim. I don't understand why you see what you do...

Looking at the lights in the Asobo A320, the following Input Events are available:




Input Events are relatively new and are available for assignment in the latest FSUIPC7 beta, available from 


Maybe try assigning to the input event for the lights you want to control?

You need to determine the range the input event expects. You can do this by logging Input Events, and adjust the lighting you want to assign from min to max in the virtual cockpit. This will then log the input event with the parameter, and you can determine the range needed.

You cannot assign an axis to an input event directly. You have two choices:

1. Assign to the input event on axis ranges, using the right-hand side of the axis assignment dialog. This can give you up to 10 discrete positions, which you can assign to set discrete values.

2. If you want the full axis range, assign your pot axis to write its value to a (free) FSUIPC offset. You would then need a lua script that monitors for changes to this offset using event.offset. The handling function would calibrate the value received to the Input Event range, then send to the Input Event using ipc.execInputEvent. I can help with such a script, which should be auto-ran, if you want to do this.




Checking further, the panel brightness in the Asobo A320 uses the Lights Potentiometer Set control with 2 parameters, the first being 15 and the second being a value between 0 and 100 for the actual brightness:


  4312359 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 5 (0x00000005) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4312734 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 10 (0x0000000a) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4313203 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
  4313656 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 15 (0x0000000f) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4313719 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 20 (0x00000014) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4313765 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 25 (0x00000019) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4314219 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
  4314359 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 30 (0x0000001e) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4314437 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 35 (0x00000023) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4314469 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 40 (0x00000028) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4314969 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 45 (0x0000002d) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4315031 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 50 (0x00000032) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4315234 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
  4315469 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 55 (0x00000037) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4315547 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 60 (0x0000003c) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4316015 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 65 (0x00000041) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4316094 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 70 (0x00000046) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4316125 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 75 (0x0000004b) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4316250 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67042 (0x000105e2), Param= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_24_SET
  4316609 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 80 (0x00000050) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4316687 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 85 (0x00000055) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4317062 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 90 (0x0000005a) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4317125 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 95 (0x0000005f) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET
  4317172 ***  AXIS: Cntrl= 67227 (0x0001069b), Param1= 15 (0x0000000f), Param2= 100 (0x00000064) LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_SET


N,B. Logging of multiple parameters is only available in the latest beta.

You can only assign to an event that takes multiple parameters by using a preset. If you want to try this, I can define such a preset for you.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2023 at 1:08 PM, John Dowson said:

I have just tried the LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET control here in the Asobo A320 and it doesn't have any effect whatsoever - it isn't even logged, which means it is not doing anything in the sim. I don't understand why you see what you do...


I don't know what happened before, but I tried this again and see similar results to you... I get a full white screen using this control. I don't know why you are using this, it just doesn't work!

  On 12/5/2023 at 2:06 PM, John Dowson said:

You can only assign to an event that takes multiple parameters by using a preset. If you want to try this, I can define such a preset for you.


I tried this and this doesn't work either. For some reason, the parameters are not being used correctly.

You need to use the provided Input Events to control the lights. I have tested a few of these (pedestal, called LIGHTING_PEDESTRAL_1 for some reason, panel 1-4 and glareshield 1-3) and they seem to work as expected. They all need a parameter between 0 (off) and 100 (full on).


P.S. Why are you using the Asobo A320 and not the FBW version? The FBW version is a lot more complete...I would forget the Asobo one and just use the FBW. There are many presets for lights also available for the FBW version.

Edited by John Dowson
PS added

Wow 🙂 That was english I guess but greek to me 🙂

It was the fenix 320 by the way but I guess it doesn't matter. So then I can use a rotary encoder too to set the lights then? Anyway, this project will take time. All from understanding this program fully to building everything. So to boil it down.

Will I be able to use encoder or pot to adjust the light in cockpits?

And for this do I need the paid version or not? It seems though that you really need the paid version, because unregistered I didn't see much. Don't get me wrong I am willing to pay for what I need, just don't what to pay for what I don't need 🙂

Thank you.

  On 12/5/2023 at 3:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

It was the fenix 320 by the way but I guess it doesn't matter.


Well, it does matter - in fact it is vitally important! Different aircraft use different controls. What works in one A320 version will not necessarily work in another.

I don't have the Fenix - and you said:

  On 12/3/2023 at 11:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

It was the default a320.


So I assumed Asobo. If using the Fenix, it is up to you to determine what works. Strange that I see the same as you using LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET but in a different aircraft.

  On 12/5/2023 at 3:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

So then I can use a rotary encoder too to set the lights then?


You should be able to, but you have to work out what to use. Have you checked the presets available for the Fenix A320 on HubHop? If available, they should give you a clue, or you can use them directly.

  On 12/5/2023 at 3:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

Will I be able to use encoder or pot to adjust the light in cockpits?


You should be able to, as I said, But I cannot help you much as I do not have this aircraft. Use the tools available - presets and logging. Also check if any Input Events available.

  On 12/5/2023 at 3:04 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

And for this do I need the paid version or not? It seems though that you really need the paid version, because unregistered I didn't see much. Don't get me wrong I am willing to pay for what I need, just don't what to pay for what I don't need


Assignments are only available in the paid version. You can do this in the free/unregistered version, but you would have to write a program and do this via the FSUIPC offsets. The free/unregistered version is mainly used to support FSUIPC third-party apps.


  On 12/5/2023 at 3:25 PM, John Dowson said:

Well, it does matter - in fact it is vitally important! Different aircraft use different controls. What works in one A320 version will not necessarily work in another.

I don't have the Fenix - and you said:

So I assumed Asobo. If using the Fenix, it is up to you to determine what works. Strange that I see the same as you using LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET but in a different aircraft.




Ah ok well, I tried it in both. I'll look into it more if there is a difference between them. Thank you, then I'll buy it. 


As I said, check the available presets for the aircraft you are using: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/

That should give you an indication of what to use to control things. Also try Input Events, using the latest beta.

Also see the following to determine what to use for an assignment: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/

And the MobiFlight discord server, MSFS 2020 channel, is the place to discuss and ask questions about how to define a preset for a function/aircraft that is not yet available on the HubHob server, I just provide the mechanism for these to be used.



Thank you! I tried yesterday both with MSFS and DCS and presets for MSFS works fine. DCS works fine too but I use rotary encoder. So I will start with that and then did into the pot world.

The encoder solves many issues with more than 3+ switches(selectors) so I will start with this. The pot is little too much headache for now 🙂

Thanks again!

  On 12/6/2023 at 11:48 AM, Jesper Franzen said:

The pot is little too much headache for now


But your log shows the pot is working fine - it was just assigned to a control/event that wasn't doing what you expected (LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_15_SET). As I said, assigning to that here gives the same symptoms that you saw (screen white) - nut in a different aircraft (Asobo A320). You just need to assign it to the correct control/preset/input event for the function you want to control.



Yes you make it sound so easy. So I tried again and I really feel like a beginner, which of course I am, but I am not eleven either.

So buttons & switches, no problems. I can even find the right airplane and they are in different categories. And when I use them it just work.

But axis on the other hand feels totally opposite. I feel also stupid to bother you with what feels that this is something I should know. Maybe you can piont to some document or something. I have tried though.

So axis.

It's jumping a bit in the in/out(annoying)

Delta? No idea

Type of action...No idea but I have tried different settings and then underneath in the scroll down I don't get many options.

Where it says "select for preset" it says above "This side...." But I do axis? So, confusing too.

And the presets they are harder to find and when I try to use them I haven't found anything that works.

Yes I am possitive I am doing something wrong but from my perspective the axis thing is harder.

So go easy on me 🙂


Skärmbild 2023-12-08 130122.png

Skärmbild 2023-12-08 130530.png


Do you understand the difference between the left and right hand side of the axis assignment panel? Have you read the user guide on axis assignment? If not, start from there.

You are highlighting the dec preset FNX32_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_L_ND_WX_DEC. It makes no sense assigning an axis to a dec control, certainly not on the actual axis (left-hand side of the axis assignment panel), and also usually not on entering/leaving an axis range (right-hand side of the axis assignment panel).

Looking at the calc. code for that preset: (L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER) 0.05 - 0 max (>L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER)
This is taking the value of an lvar, subtracting 0.05 from the value, then setting this as the new value. i.e. it is decrementing the lvar L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER by 0.05.

You can define your own preset to control the lvar value with an axis. There are several ways to do this, the easiest way being to define your own preset. First, you have to determine what the value range for that lvar is. Log the lvar values when at minimum and maximum brightness, I am going to assume that the lvar takes a value between 0 (off) and 1 (full brightness).
I assume your pot axis range is -16387 - +16388. So, what you need to to is define a preset that scales the axis value to the lvar range and then sets the value to the lvar. This is such a preset - add this to your myevents.txt file (create this if it doesn't exist):




Then you can assign your axis to this preset, using the left-hand side of the axis assignment panel, by selecting 'Send Preset to FS'. The preset should be listed under your Personal presets.

See the WASM section in the Advanced User guide on using presets and the myevents.txt file.


  On 12/8/2023 at 1:06 PM, John Dowson said:

Do you understand the difference between the left and right hand side of the axis assignment panel? Have you read the user guide on axis assignment? If not, start from there.


Yes I think so. I have read it and also now little in the advanced user guide and my conlusion is still that axis is much harder 🙂

  On 12/8/2023 at 1:06 PM, John Dowson said:

You are highlighting the dec preset FNX32_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_L_ND_WX_DEC. It makes no sense assigning an axis to a dec control


Yes I felt that too when I was doing it .


  On 12/8/2023 at 1:06 PM, John Dowson said:

Looking at the calc. code for that preset: (L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER) 0.05 - 0 max (>L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER)
This is taking the value of an lvar, subtracting 0.05 from the value, then setting this as the new value. i.e. it is decrementing the lvar L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER by 0.05.


I have no idea what this means, this is clearly above my head.


  On 12/8/2023 at 1:06 PM, John Dowson said:

You can define your own preset to control the lvar value with an axis.


So then I sort of have to make my own presets. That seems way harder and much more time consuming than using the rotary encoder and go for the presets in buttons/switches.


So just two questions. These things with lvars and "Looking at the calc. code for that preset: (L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER) 0.05 - 0 max (>L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER)"

Is it the next step after you master the encoders because that felt easy compaired or is just another way of doing the same thing but with obviously a potentiometer rater then a encoder.


  On 12/9/2023 at 12:57 PM, Jesper Franzen said:

So just two questions. These things with lvars and "Looking at the calc. code for that preset: (L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER) 0.05 - 0 max (>L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER)"

Is it the next step after you master the encoders because that felt easy compaired or is just another way of doing the same thing but with obviously a potentiometer rater then a encoder.


What are your two questions? I do not see any there.... 

Please note that I support FSUIPC ONLY. I do not, and cannot, know about every aircraft and every controller/device.

You really need to understand some basic things about MSFS and how the different control mechanisms work. I do NOT support this. I provide access to these mechanisms/functionality, not information on any specific aircraft. Although I try to help and point you in the right direction.

I  cannot help you to implement things if you do not understand the basics of MSFS. This is beyond the scope of what I provide. And these sort of topics take up far to much of my time....

If you have any questions regarding FSUIPC, I will answer them. But I am sorry but I just don;t have the time or patience to explain the vrious different control mechanisms, what lvars are, what calc code does, how to discover hvars, etc. That is up to the user. I just provide the mechanisms so that you can use these in assignments.

Furthermore, I have explained in detail what you need to do for this assignment. You don't seem to have even tried this.

Please re-read the advice I have already given, I really don't know what more to say.

I am closing this topic now.




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