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Good Morning, The previous assignments in FSUIPC do not show up anymore. I'm using CH Eclipse controller. I don't think FSUIPC recognizes my controller. Attached are the INI and log files. I calculated my controller, tried other planes, downloaded the latest version of MSFS and this I think is when the trouble started.



Looks like a registry problem where your device name/guid changed... I have corrected this in the attached file, if you could try with this.
There looks to be an issue with your CH Pro pedals as well, but you don't seem to have any assignments to this.  Is this working? You may need to clean the registry details for this if you want to assign in FSUIPC.



21 minutes ago, skipjack said:

The download ini file helped

How did it help? You seem to be having the same issue....

It seems the name of your devices is now missing from the registry. I have edited your ini again to use a blank name - see if this works. If not, you will need to clean your registry.

Please don't add any new assignments until this issue is resolved. I have removed the ones you added to the yoke when it was assigned the joyletter C, as these are duplicates of assignments made when it had the letter B.



John, That solved the problem, The joyletter is now B and all assignments are available. How did this happen and is there anything I can do if it occurs again. John thank you all your assistance.

12 hours ago, skipjack said:

How did this happen and is there anything I can do if it occurs again.

The problem seems to be with the name of your controllers in the windows registry  - sometimes it reports a device name and sometimes it is empty. You need to correct for this (when it changes) in the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file.

Just now, skipjack said:

Where in the registry should I look for the change?

Details will be in the FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv file. If you attach that I can provide aa script to remove the entries, and you can see if they are registered correctly when re-attached.


Have you installed any specific drivers for your yoke? I ask as both hid and registry scanning are reporting the device twice (i.e. same GUID) but with different vendor (VID) and product (PID) ids:


,,, HIDscanning completed,,,,,,,,,
N, x00, x068E, xC051, ,-1,-1,0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x068E, xC0F2, ,-1,-1,0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {079F94B0-46D4-11E8-8003-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, ,-1,-1,0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, Y, N

,,, REGscanning completed,,,,,,,,,
N, x00, x068E, xC051, CH Eclipse Yoke USB,-1,1,0, {NULL}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x068E, xC0F2, CH Pro Pedals USB,-1,0,0, {NULL}, {079F94B0-46D4-11E8-8003-444553540000}, {079F94B0-46D4-11E8-8003-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, ,-1,1,0, {NULL}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, {D60B49D0-B207-11E9-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y

We can remove these entries and try again, but you will probably get the same result. If you have installed any specific drivers for your yoke and/or pedals, best to remove those drivers and let windows install/use the default windows drivers. Once removed, unplug your devices, reboot. Once done, run FSUIPC7 (not MSFS!) - just run then exit, and show me the 3 update files again - .log, .ini and .JoyScan.csv


John I'm a bit confused as to the sequence.

1. I Removed  ch drivers for both controller and pedal

2. disconnected both usb connections

3. turned off computer

4.Now do I reboot without connecting the controller and pedal usb's and run fsuipc7 and exit and show you the 3 fles OR  connect the 2 usb then reboot and run  fsuipc7 and show you the 3 files

    • Apprentice
    • Members
    • Locationlong Island, NY

    John I'm a bit confused as to the sequence.

    1. I Removed  ch drivers for both controller and pedal

    2. disconnected both usb connections

    3. turned off computer

    4.Now do I reboot without connecting the controller and pedal usb's and run fsuipc7 and exit and show you the 3 fles OR  connect the 2 usb then reboot and run  fsuipc7 and show you the 3 files

1 hour ago, skipjack said:
    • Apprentice
    • Members
    • Locationlong Island, NY

    John I'm a bit confused as to the sequence.

    1. I Removed  ch drivers for both controller and pedal

    2. disconnected both usb connections

    3. turned off computer

    4.Now do I reboot without connecting the controller and pedal usb's and run fsuipc7 and exit and show you the 3 fles OR  connect the 2 usb then reboot and run  fsuipc7 and show you the 3 files


    I just sent you 3 files without controller and pedals connected


10 hours ago, skipjack said:

the three "copy" file above are without the CH products connected

I need to see the files with the devices connected....

However, it is interesting that the phantom controller is still recognised:


,,, HIDscanning completed

N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {NULL}, N, N

,,, REGscanning completed

N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {NULL}, N, N

This in the entry causing issues as it gets assigned the same GUID as your yoke (see my previous comment). You can try running the attached regedit file to remove this - just download and double-click it to execute.

Once done, connect your devices, run FSUIPC7, exit, and then show me those files again.





Hi John, After downloading the above .ini file the joystick wasn't working correctly so I downloaded ch control manager to calibrate the joy stick, then when I went back into the game FSUIPC7 came up with "D" and no inputs. So I changed .ini to the one you had made with "B="   blank and now all seem to work I attached the 3 current files

FSUIPC7.JoyScan - Copy.csv FSUIPC7 - Copy.ini FSUIPC7 - Copy.log

13 hours ago, skipjack said:

After downloading the above .ini file the joystick wasn't working correctly

What do you mean by this?

13 hours ago, skipjack said:

I downloaded ch control manager to calibrate the joy stick,

So it looks like this is the software that is screwing up the registry, as that phantom device with no name but the same GUID as your yoke is now showing again.

13 hours ago, skipjack said:

So I changed .ini to the one you had made with "B="   blank and now all seem to work I attached the 3 current files

I am surprised it works with those files, as your B device is missing...

You have two options. If its working, just leave it as is. Otherwise, you need to go through the whole procedure again (as we are back at the beginning), and then figure out why your 'joystick wasn't working correctly'. Maybe it needs calibration in the windows game controller panels.



Not sure why you are attaching files....as I said, you are just back to the previous situation where it is working but with no name for your yoke. I have nothing further to add to this that i have not already said:

On 1/5/2024 at 9:50 AM, John Dowson said:

You have two options. If its working, just leave it as is. Otherwise, you need to go through the whole procedure again (as we are back at the beginning), and then figure out why your 'joystick wasn't working correctly'. Maybe it needs calibration in the windows game controller panels.


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