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FSUIPC stops


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Sometimes FSUIPC just quits without obvious reasons. John, this is just to let you know, it doesn't happen frequently. Here's what I did this time:

- startup the sim (and automatically FSUIPC)

- load Icon A5 and do some assignments and checks in FSUIPC

- go back to Main Menu

- load Carenado C182RG

- do several starts and landings

- go back to main menu

- start another flight with the Carenado C182RG

- did a "Restart"  when 5 minutes into the flight.


After the restart FSUIPC was not running anymore. I attached the logfile.





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9 minutes ago, kaha said:

- did a "Restart"  when 5 minutes into the flight.

After the restart FSUIPC was not running anymore. I attached the logfile.

What do you mean by 'did a "Restart"'?

Your log shows that you are running a lua script that is using the Wnd library. It has been reported that FSUIPC will crash when using the Wnd library if the window is iconised - see this thread: 


This is something I need to look into, when time permits. Could this be the issue?

Otherwise, can you please also check the windows Event viewer - there should be a crash report there when/if FSUIPC CTDs. Please show me the details there, as well as your log file, the next time this happens.


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I did not iconify the window. However, I hadn't coded a wnd.close for the terminate event. I did that now and will see if it happens again.

In the screenshot you can see which "Restart" I did. Also I attached a screenshot of the event viewer.

I will 



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Ah, that restart.... this should be handled ok, but I will perform some more tests with this, as it is quite a quick turnaround and maybe everything is not terminated correctly before being restarted. It would be easier if this was easily reproduced, but I will try to reproduce here...when time permits...


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The next time this happens, can you please save the event (as a .evtx file) and attach it, together with your FSUIPC7.log file.

I may need a crash dump file as well, but I will try to locate this without this initially....



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34 minutes ago, kaha said:

Here's the .evtx file from the last occurence at Jan 13th,

i think this issue is related to your other issue (luas not being stopped), so  I would like to know if it happens with the latest beta I posted in the other thread, and will investigate if it occurs in that, In fact, use the following version, as this has some additional checks/logging around the same code area:



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