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Goodnight ,
Firstly, sorry for my English, I'm using Google Translate to write for this forum.
I recently purchased FSUIPC7 in hopes of programming a keyboard for MSFS, but I found it lacking an option to create mouse macros like there was in previous versions. Unfortunately I don't understand anything about programming and reading the documentation I understood even less. I would like you to help me configure an example macro for the following situation: Pressing the “A” key, for example, turns on the Taxi light, pressing it a second time should turn it off, in other words, a key with dual function. can you help me? After that I believe I can create the others.

10 hours ago, Renato Padilha said:

I would like you to help me configure an example macro for the following situation: Pressing the “A” key, for example, turns on the Taxi light, pressing it a second time should turn it off, in other words, a key with dual function. can you help me?

For which aircraft? You can try with the standard controls/offsets to see if they work, but for some aircraft you will need to use lvars or presets.

It sounds like you just need to assign your key press to the FS control Toggle Taxi Lights - have you tried that? Otherwise, try searching for a preset for the aircraft you are using. If there are only separate on/off controls, you can assign your key press to both controls, and add an offset condition to determine which control to send depending on the current state of the lights. You can check if offset 0x0D0C bit 3 is set or not to determine the current state of the lights. You can also assign to set/clear/toggle bits on that offset to control various lights.


Sorry, the text is half-written.

John, I managed to map all the keys I needed for my PMDG 737 as can be seen in the attached fsuipc.ini file, however when I open the simulator the .ini file shows some lines with ERROR 24! Line ignored and the keys don't work, it's as if I hadn't programmed anything. What could be happening?




Can you please attach your FSUIPC7.ini file complete and in its original format.

3 hours ago, Renato Padilha said:

however when I open the simulator the .ini file shows some lines with ERROR 24! Line ignored and the keys don't work, it's as if I hadn't programmed anything. What could be happening?

This is because there is an error in your assignments. If you look at them, they are all like this:
    433=38,8,P,0 -{Up: Press=Preset Control }-
i,e, assigned to a preset but no preset was selected.
An assignment to a preset should look like this:
   239=83,8,PParking_Brake_Set,0 -{S: Press=Preset Control }-
i.e. with the name of the preset after the P.

How are you adding these assignments? For key assignments, you need to Confirm  before clicking Ok - are you doing this? Otherwise, please let me know how you are generating assignments to presets with no preset specified.

Also, please check what version of FSUIPC7 you are using., If it is not 7.4.5, please update.


Hi John,
I have attached the complete .ini file for you to analyze and I am using version 7.4.5.
The way I am assigning the keys is as follows: after selecting "profile specific?" , I select the desired key, check box "select for preset" and in "find preset" I choose the desired assignment, confirm and then ok. For example, I am assigning the F9 key to the preset "PMDG B737-7 LIGHTS TAXI TOGGLE" but in the .ini file it appears 520=120,8,P,0     -{F9: Press=Preset Control }-

Note: When I am creating the assignments and FSUIPC7 and MSFS are open, everything works perfectly, but after closing both everything is lost as if it was not writing to the .ini file


10 hours ago, Renato Padilha said:

Now with version 7.4.6a everything is working perfectly.

That version was actually 7.4.6b, although it was logged as 7.4.6a. Anyway, there are still some minor issues in that version, mainly when ending and then starting a new flight. Hopefully these are all fixed now in the latest beta, 7.4.6c, available here: 



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