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CONDITION_LEVER_CUT_OFF, CONDITION_LEVER_LOW_IDLE and CONDITION_LEVER_HIGH_IDLE are not working here. _SET, _INC and _DEC is working. I cannot find what I'm doing wrong. The in sim bindings work.

Also, the respective controls (using ipc.control()) are not working.




Many aircraft, especially add-ons, do not use or respect the standard FS controls and you need to look into other ways to control, such as lvars, hvars, Input Events, custom controls or a combination of different events, using calculator code via a preset.

But you should not by now that I cannot help at all if you just say 'X isn't working'. This will depend on the aircraft you are using, which you do not tell me, and how you have assigned, which you also do not specify.

So, please ALWAYS provide more information - I need to at least know the aircraft you are using, and it is always helpful if you attach your FSUIPC7.ini files, so I can see your assignments, and your FSUIPC7.log file, so I can see what version you are using, what aircraft, and if any errors are logged. 



I tried the Asobo King Air 350, the Blackbird PC-6 and the Azupoly C160 Transall.

I attach the log file (Asobo King Air) and 2 screenshots. One with the insim binding that works, and one with the FSUIPC binding.




21 minutes ago, kaha said:

I tried the Asobo King Air 350, the Blackbird PC-6 and the Azupoly C160 Transall.

For the Asobo King Air, use presets KA Fuel Right Condition Lever Cut Off and KA Fuel Left Condition Lever Cut Off. I don't see the other 2 aircraft listed in the HubHop site yet, so you will have to investigate how the condition lever works in these aircraft. Try logging Events and Input Events and see what is logged when moving the condition lever in the VC. If anything is logged, try using that. You can also list any available lvars to see if any look appropriate and try them.  And as a final resort, inspect the aircraft code that implements the condition lever which should give you an idea how it works, but this is not that straightforward. Please see here: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/.

I can't help further with these aircraft as I do not have them.

But, regardless of the aircraft or function you are trying to assign, the techniques to determine how to assign are always the same: use logging (events, axis events, input events), check for available presets, try looking at the available lvars and hvars, examine the model behavior.

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