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Strange... is the window not like this image (without the added text), or is it cropped: desktop-hero_8711a4cf.jpg

The 'Preparing the cabin...' text is superimposed on this. It really isn't a problem if the full text is not displayed. just ignore...

Such issues have previously been reported and I have adjusted, and this is the first report on this for several years. It is not worth me changing this again on one report, as it may affect more users. 


7 minutes ago, pck42 said:


Hmm, strange. The splash-screen size/position is controlled by the following in the MSFS.bat file (under your FSUIPC7 installation folder), and should be sized/positioned to your screen size:

            if (w == 0) w = screen.width / 2;
            if (h == 0) h = screen.height / 2;
            window.resizeTo(w, h);
            window.moveTo(screen.width / 2 - w / 2, screen.height / 2 - h / 2);

You could try manually setting a size instead, on lines 15 and 16 of the same file:


:: width or height = 0 will set splash image to half your screen size
set /a width = 0
set /a height = 0

Or maybe the image is being cropped to that size rather than reduced, I will take a look when I have more time....

You could also move the text further to the left, by changing this on line 73 (e.g. try 50%😞

                    left: 55%;


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