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I'm having trouble with my Cirrus II and the Go Around Button not working correctly. The event "GoAround[0]" is fired and shows up in the PFCHID64.log but nothing happens in MSFS. I have attempted to activate the Macro by editing the PFCmacroindex file and changing GoAround to Y,N but when I restart the sim, the flag gets flipped to N.

I have a paid for copy of FSUIPC v7.



16 hours ago, Logan Greenlee said:

I have attempted to activate the Macro by editing the PFCmacroindex file and changing GoAround to Y,N but when I restart the sim, the flag gets flipped to N.

You cannot change that file - it is generated on-the-fly from the macros loaded.

You need to define your own macro for GoAround for your aircraft if the default implementation isn't working, either in a PFC.mcro file (for all aircraft) or in an aircraft-specific macro file. Please see the PFChidDLL User Guide on configuring macros, as well as the FSUIPC documentation on macros and other support requests on defining macros for PFC devices.


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