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FSUIPC installed on new computer, trying to transfer setting from old computer

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I just installed FSUIPC 5 on my new computer for P3Dv4.5.  After I activated it I copied the old FSUIPC.ini file to the modules folder, replacing the one created during the install.  However, my buttons don't seem to be showing up as they did.  Is that the only file I need to copy over?  As far as I remember I named all the sticks and throttles from your advice the last time I rebuilt.  Thanks in advance!

John Croft


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You also need to copy across the FSUIPC5.key file or re-register, as well as any lua files (*.lua), macro files (*.mcro) and additional drivers (*.dll) that you are using, if any.

Just copying across your ini file is also not enough, as the GUIDs of your devices will also have changed, and so some manual editing of the ini is needed. This is far easier if you are using the JoyLetters facility on your old PC, but please attach both your FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC5.lg files from your new PC and I will take a look.


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I did re-register it and it does show as registered in the interface.  Attached are the .ini and the .log files.  As I said I copied the .ini from the old build and overwrote the one that was created in the install, so if you need the new one as well I will have to figure something out.  I also included the install log just in case.  Thank you for looking at them !

FSUIPC5 Install.log FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log

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Seems like you are using some different controllers now as well:

1. There is no longer a HOTAS Warthog Joystick, but a Right VPC Stick WarBRD
2. The rudder pedals have changed from Mad Catz Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals to Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals

I have also switched the assignments for these, i.e. what was assigned to the HOTAS Warthog Joystick are now assigned to the  Right VPC Stick WarBRD, and what was assigned to the Mad Catz Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals are now assigned to the Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals. The pedal assignments should be ok, but you should revise your assignments to the Right VPC Stick WarBRD.

So, please try the attached ini file. Any issues, let me know and please re-attach your updated .log and .ini files.

I have also update your profile aircraft names to use substrings. However, you seem to have two profiles for the 777 so I have left these:


[Profile.PMDG 777-200]
1=PMDG 777-224LR Continental Airlines (Fictional)

[Profile.777-200 CAL PGram]
1=PMDG 777-224LR Continental Airlines PGram

This is the same aircraft so you should use just one profile. I am not sure which one you want to use, but choose one profile, delete the other profile (all profile sections), and then set the aircraft name to be a useful substring, e.g.


[Profile.PMDG 777-200]
1=PMDG 777-2



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Thanks for looking at it for me.  I will give it a try later today and let you know.  I also have a file in the old modules directory called JOYNAMES.txt.  Do I need to copy that one over as well, or is that something that I made and forgot about?

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18 minutes ago, atrcaptainjohn said:

Do I need to copy that one over as well, or is that something that I made and forgot about?

The latter, i.e. you have created that and forgotten about it. FSUIPC does create a file called FSUIPC5.JoyNames.csv, but you do not need to copy that - it is created on-the-fly.


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