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I think it was already discused but I can't find the topic again.
Is there a way that this dll have no dependency to "windows" .net packages and only core packages?
I have no clue why there is a windows dependency and what features it impact, but that would be awesome.

Our goal is to be able to use XPUIPc on mac with the same setup.



FSUIPC uses the Win32 API to communicate with the client applications. It's therefore 100% reliant on the internals of the Windows operating system, so that dependency cannot be removed.

While you can install XPUIPC into XPlane running on a Mac or Linux, this will only allow communication with their XPWideClient software on separate (Windows) machine. This communication will be using their own protocol based on TCP/IP. There is no way the FSUIPC protocol can be used on MacOS or Linux.


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