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I updated to the new FSUIPC7 7.4.12 and PACX gives an error saying it can't connect to the simulator and says to make sure FSUIPC7 is installed.  My other programs like FSLTL traffic injector, and ACARS that use a connection to FSUIPC7 are working fine.  I've uninstalled and did a clean install of both PACX and FSUIPC7 with the same error.  I've also checked to make sure all software is up to date. Any other suggestions?

  On 5/30/2024 at 5:16 PM, b.cuthbertson said:

I updated to the new FSUIPC7 7.4.12 and PACX gives an error saying it can't connect to the simulator and says to make sure FSUIPC7 is installed.  My other programs like FSLTL traffic injector, and ACARS that use a connection to FSUIPC7 are working fine.  I've uninstalled and did a clean install of both PACX and FSUIPC7 with the same error.  I've also checked to make sure all software is up to date. Any other suggestions?


First show me your FSUIPC7.log file, and also your FSUIPC7.ini and I will check those.

How is PACX started? By FSUIPC7, MSFS or are you starting it manually? If you start or re-start it once FSUIPC7 is connected to MSFS and up and running, do you still get the error?
And does PACX connect to FSUIPC7, MSFS or both? 

I will take a look at your files to see if I can see anything, but if other FSUIPC7 clients are connecting, it sounds like a PACX issue and you will need to contact their support.



Thanks for taking a look at this.  I have also contacted TFDI support as well to look at this issue.  I will get the logs tonight when I get home.  FSUIPC7 is started with MSFS 2020 and I start PACX manually.  My typical start is launch MSFS2020 which launces FSUIPC7.  Then I will start FSLTL Live Traffic and then ACARS.  I start PACX when I start boarding with GSX.  The error from PACX is it couldn't detect a flight sim running and to make sure you have FSUIPC7 installed.  I've been running this same software for a couple of years now with no issues.  Thanks again.

  On 5/30/2024 at 9:00 PM, b.cuthbertson said:

FSUIPC7 is started with MSFS 2020 and I start PACX manually. 


Can you also try manually starting FSUIPC7 to see if that makes a difference. Once FSUIPC7 is started (with MSFS), just exit, and restart FSUIPC7 once MSFS has arrived at the main menu. Does PACX then work?



Sorry, I grabbed the wrong file.  I'll upload the FSUIPC7.log.  I'm at the previous version right now.  I'll uninstall and upgrade to the new version and try running it manually as well.  I'll have to work on this on the weekend.  Thanks again for your help.

  On 6/1/2024 at 5:53 AM, b.cuthbertson said:

I figured out error 2.  So I am able to get PACX to work when I manually run FSUIPC7 after launching MSFS2020.


Yes - error 2 is not really an error and shows PACX was running and connected.
Unfortunately you attached your log file for when you restarted and PACX connected ok. I need to see the log file from when FSUIPC7 is auto-started and PACX fails to connect. Please show me/attach that the next time it happens. If you restart FSUIPC7, then the previous log file will be renamed to FSUIPC7_prev.log.


  On 6/1/2024 at 4:16 PM, b.cuthbertson said:

Hopefully this is the correct log.


No - this log is from a manual start:


      204 Manually started with DetectToConnectDelay=1, InitialStallTime=45


I do not understand why you are having such difficulties. When you get the issue that PACX is not connecting, exit FSUIPC7 then attach the FSUIPC7.log file, not the FSUIPC7.prev.log file. However, if you restart FSUIPC7, then it is the FSUIPC7_prev.log file that you need to attach.

Why not just open the log and take a look at it before posting? This will tell you if it is a manual or auto-start by looking for a line like that one posted above.


  On 6/2/2024 at 1:40 AM, b.cuthbertson said:

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the application many times. 


But why? Re-installing will do absolutely nothing.

  On 6/2/2024 at 1:40 AM, b.cuthbertson said:

PACX is working as long as I start FSUIPC7 manually. 


I know, you have said this already. I am still waiting to see a log file from you when PACX was NOT working, i.e. when FSUIPC7 was auto-started. I do not understand the difficulty you are having in providing me with this file. I have no idea why it is not connecting and cannot help you if you do not show me this file.



The reason is in my own troubleshooting, I did a complete uninstall of both FSUIPC7 and PACX, meaning all residual folders and files as well.  I wanted a complete fresh install of both in an effort to make sure there were no corrupt files.  Therefore, no prior logs are available to send.  I will need to configure FSUIPC7 to auto-start again and start PACX to get a log file.


I am just letting you know that I cannot do anything about this until you supply me with the files I need to investigate.  There is no point in you posting again until I have these, I have been waiting to see this since your original post. If you want me to look into this, provide the files/information I need. Otherwise there is no point posting about this issue. You started this topic for your issue, I asked for the files to investigate - since then I have been waiting for the correct files.



No worries, I'm doing a flight now with the auto-start on and PACX did not connect.  I will get you the log for this flight soon.  I appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.



I just finished a flight with FSLTL7 installed to auto-start with MSFS2020.  This is exactly what I did, I ran FSLTL (injecting live traffic) and ACARS no problems.  I ran PACX and I received the error message "Unable to connect to your simulator..."  After the flight was ended, I went into the FSUIPC7 folder to get the log file to send to you and there is no log file.  This is frustrating to say the least and I'm sure you are as well.  I apologize but I'm only reporting what is happening, believe me I am trying extremely hard to get you the information you need in order to help fix this issue. Below is a screen shot of the folder, am I missing something?


Posted (edited)

I am sorry, but that image doesn't tell me anything. It doesn't even show an FSUIPC7.ini file, and I can't tell if that image shows all files in your installation folder, i.e image cropped and not showing scroll bar. At least click on the name to get the files sorted in alphabetical order...

You must have an ini file and a log file. Are you sure that is the correct installation folder? If there is no log or ini file there, I think you may be confused as to where you have actually installed FSUIPC7.... When FSUIPC7 is auto-started, use File -> Open Installation Folder to check the folder that is being used. Your log file will be there.

Also, can you also please activate Debug level logging in for the WAPI (Log -> WAPI -> Debug).

Edited by John Dowson
Further info added

Can you please download and try this beta: Install_FSUIPC7.4.13b

Please add
to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file, and show me your files again if you get an issue. Also keep Debug level  logging in the API for the time being.

Did you check your installation location? Still puzzled as to why you can't supply a log file...



Hello, I think I may have figured out my problem.  It was my fault, I was launching MSFS with the MSFS short cut instead of the short cut FSUIPC7 makes when you install it.  I moved my MSFS short cut so I wouldn't do that again.  So far when I use the FSUIPC7 short cut it's been working.


  On 6/5/2024 at 1:53 AM, b.cuthbertson said:

I was launching MSFS with the MSFS short cut instead of the short cut FSUIPC7 makes when you install it.


So FSUIPC7 wasn't even running?

I would expect you to have at least checked that it was running if reporting that it was not working as expected.

Note that the auto-start method changed in release 7.4.12 from using the MSFS EXE.xml file to using the MSFS.bat file via the MSFS desktop link installed by the FSUIPC7 installer. If you are not using the desktop link, you can always go back to the older installation method where FSUIPC7 is started by MSFS. Please see the provided documentation for details.


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