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FSUIPC 7.4.12 Keeps dumping my settings

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6 minutes ago, Marknie123 said:

After SU15, I keep losing my settings and sometimes it doesnt even load!

I have no idea what you mean. Please take care to explain your issue, and provide your files that show the issue - the FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files.

Many people are having issues when FSUIPC7 is auto-started. If you exit FSUIPC7 once it is auto-started and then manual start FSUIPC7 does it work? If so, then it is the start-up parameters that are causing the issue. Read the section on this in the Advanced User guide, and post your files here, together with an explanation of your issue and I will take a look.

Settings are NEVER lost - they will be in your ini file. They may not be loaded though, and that can be for many reasons, but the usual culprit is using an aircraft that does not match the  aircraft names in your profile, as you have not edited them to use substrings for matching. But I cannot tell you anything from a rant/post without showing any supporting information.


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