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fsx-se ctd still when fsuipc4 is running.

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*** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to main support forum ***

had this ctd issur for more


mikethen a year, or longer. i have no issues with fsuipc in my p3d5; but in fsx-steam my sim crashes to desktop 2 seconds into loading flight. i am not techy at all; . any easy steps to fix this, like a new version of fsuipc for fsx-se? thanks.

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to main support forum
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First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please take care to post in the correct forum for support. I have moved your post for you.

You should post/attach your FSUIPC4.log file if you have a CTD. However, if FSX is crashing after a few seconds, then this is usually due to a corrupt weather file. 

Try disabling weather by setting 


to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file. If this solves it then either your wxstationlist.bin file is corrupt, or one of the .wx files saved with scenarios is bad.
To resolve this, delete all of the .WX files from your FS Documents folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX.

If that doesn't fix it, it may be a simconnect issue and I need to see your FSUIPC4.log file and also your InstallFSUIPC4.log file.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/12/2024 at 12:30 AM, John Dowson said:

First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please take care to post in the correct forum for support. I have moved your post for you.

You should post/attach your FSUIPC4.log file if you have a CTD. However, if FSX is crashing after a few seconds, then this is usually due to a corrupt weather file. 

Try disabling weather by setting 


to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file. If this solves it then either your wxstationlist.bin file is corrupt, or one of the .wx files saved with scenarios is bad.
To resolve this, delete all of the .WX files from your FS Documents folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX.

If that doesn't fix it, it may be a simconnect issue and I need to see your FSUIPC4.log file and also your InstallFSUIPC4.log file.


i'm wondering to maybe buy the registered version, but i'm afraid that wont work either. i attached the fsuipv4 install log, and fsuipc4 log hopefully there's a fix; but i'm not techy at all

FSUIPC4 Install.log FSUIPC4.log

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13 hours ago, MIKE MCCARTHY said:

i cant believe the lack of su[port for this module

What do you mean? You do realize that I am on holiday:  

If this CTD is due to a bad weather file, then this is a known issue, has been known for 10+ years, and there is nothing that can be done about this in FSUIPC. It is the FSX API that FSUIPC uses to get the weather that is causing this issue. There are already hundreds of support requests in this issue, and the response from me (and Pete, before he retired) is always the same. 

Did you even try what I suggested:

On 6/12/2024 at 9:30 AM, John Dowson said:

Try disabling weather by setting 


to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file. If this solves it then either your wxstationlist.bin file is corrupt, or one of the .wx files saved with scenarios is bad.
To resolve this, delete all of the .WX files from your FS Documents folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX.

i.e. Did adding NoWeatherAtAll=Yes prevent the CTD?

23 hours ago, MIKE MCCARTHY said:

what is the correct path in file explorer to find and delete the .wx files?

Your *.WX files will be in your Documents\Flight Simulator X Files folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX.

You can always try searching for them, using something like Everything.


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On 6/12/2024 at 12:30 AM, John Dowson said:

First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please take care to post in the correct forum for support. I have moved your post for you.

You should post/attach your FSUIPC4.log file if you have a CTD. However, if FSX is crashing after a few seconds, then this is usually due to a corrupt weather file. 

Try disabling weather by setting 


to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file. If this solves it then either your wxstationlist.bin file is corrupt, or one of the .wx files saved with scenarios is bad.
To resolve this, delete all of the .WX files from your FS Documents folder (where your flights are stored), and the file "wxstationlist.bin" in your <user>\AppData\Roaming folder for FSX.

If that doesn't fix it, it may be a simconnect issue and I need to see your FSUIPC4.log file and also your InstallFSUIPC4.log file.


JOHN. as i said many times i'm not techy at all. i dont see a folder with option NO WEATHERATALL=YES.  and what is the path to folder where .wx files are stored? thanks.



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18 minutes ago, MIKE MCCARTHY said:

said many times i'm not techy at all

There is NOTHING "techy" about anything I am saying....

19 minutes ago, MIKE MCCARTHY said:

i dont see a folder with option NO WEATHERATALL=YES.

What are you talking about? PLEASE read what I have said.


On 6/12/2024 at 9:30 AM, John Dowson said:

Try disabling weather by setting 


to the [General] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file.

i..e. Find the FSUIPC4.ini file, which will be in your installation folder, the same folder as the log files you are attaching. Open that in an editor (e.g. Notepad++), find the section that starts [General]. and then add that line. Then test to see if this prevents the CTD. If so, it is due to a corrupt weather file.

21 minutes ago, MIKE MCCARTHY said:

and what is the path to folder where .wx files are stored?

I have already answered this and provided a link with further information as well as a link to a very useful program that helps you locate ANY file on your system.

Try reading my posts before responding with the exact same questions that I have already answered...



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john, pete. dont know what happened, but somehow i found wxstationlist.bin on my pc. delected it from pc and now my fsx doesnt CTD anymore. it was a miracle. works good now. thanks.  if i said anything negative before, i'm truly sorry. take care.


mike[ happy fsx fsuipc4 user.]

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