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Hello Pete,

is there a problem known about win11 with version 24h2 and version 21h2.

I have run some computer with different win11 versions.

Now i have on my main computer run win11 version 24h2 and on some clients 21h2 and on some 24h2.

On the computer with 21h2 the connection via WideFS works fine! 

But on the computer who are running win11 version 24h2 the widefs did not found the fsuipc-computer.

Did you know anything about the problem?

Best regards


16 hours ago, pemartin said:

is there a problem known about win11 with version 24h2 and version 21h2.

Not that I know of, and there should not really be any issues with different windows 11 versions - the network protocols used by WideFS should not change on windows updates as this would break many things...

16 hours ago, pemartin said:

But on the computer who are running win11 version 24h2 the widefs did not found the fsuipc-computer.

Check your network configuration - especially the Workgroup name. Please see the section Configure your Network in the WideFS User guide. Have you tried setting the ServerName or ServerIPAddr parameters, as well as the Protocol?

I am still running 23H2 here on my Windows 11 laptop (as well as Windows 10 and Windows 7 on other PCs), so cannot verify with 24H2 at the moment,


Hello John,

hier is my ini entrys!

; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details
; =====================================================


; -----------------------------------------------

And thats the Log

********* WideClient Log [version 7.156] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 17/06/24, Time 23:52:24.152: Client name is FLUSI-EFB-CPT
      391 LUA: "C:\FS\Widefs\Initial.LUA": not found
      406 Attempting to connect now
      406 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast
      406 Failed to connect: waiting to try again
     1422 Attempting to connect now
    22641 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

With this entry at the computer with Win11 version 24h2 it doesn´t work, with the version 21H2 it works.

I hope you can help me!

best regards


9 hours ago, pemartin said:

With this entry at the computer with Win11 version 24h2 it doesn´t work, with the version 21H2 it works.

Presumably the PCs running 24H2 and 21H2 are different PCs, and so will have a different configuration. Did you do what I asked, i.e. check your network configuration, firewalls, workgroup name, etc? Did you read the provided documentation and go through the trouble-shooting steps outlined there? If not, can you please do that first and confirm that you have read and checked the steps outlined in the documentation.

9 hours ago, pemartin said:


This is not correct - the colon should be an equals sign, and that is an IP address and not a server name, and so should be (if that is the correct IP address):


However, usually better to use the ServerName ini parameter instead unless you are using fixed IP addresses.

As I said, I am not running 24H2 yet and will check once it has reached here, but I doubt that this is an issue with this release.


Hello John!

I found the problem!

The Protocol entry was missing!

After writing "Protocol=TPC" it works!

Sorry! Manual reading makes the life better.

Best regards


Just now, pemartin said:

Sorry! Manual reading makes the life better.

I do provide manuals for a reason!

Did you also correct the ServerName / ServerIPAddr parameter as well, as mentioned?

I am downloading windows 24H2 now anyway...


3 minutes ago, pemartin said:

Thats my entry


But that is wrong! As I said previously, is the ServerIPAddr, not the ServerName. Try changing that to the actual name (better), or switch to using ServerIPAddr if using the IP address and not the actual name.



Hello John!

I´ve test both version. ServerIPAddr and ServerName.

It works with both! Additional with Servername and IP.

Is the better solution IP or Name?

Many thanks




It is better to use ServerName, but with the actual server name and NOT the IP address. You can use ServerIPAddr if you like (with the actual IP address of course, and not the server name!), but you should only use this if you are using fixed ip-addresses for your server, otherwise the IP address can change on router or PC reboot.

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