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Auto-assignment of new letter instead of mapping existing letter with the same controller GUID

marco chan

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Hi Support,

It seems that there is a bug related to the automatic letter assignment feature.

Originally, I configured the letter assignment in the FSUIPC file as follows:

A=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
B=Alpha Flight Controls

Here is the FSUIPC file I extracted when the bug occurred. As you can see, the control "{90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}" was originally supposed to be mapped to the letter "B". However, the program created a letter "D" with the same GUID instead of mapping it to "B". This issue is not limited to the alpha flight control but happens randomly with every controller. Incorrectly mapping to another letter causes all key bindings to be lost. Could you please advise on how the support team can investigate and resolve this bug?

A=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
B=Alpha Flight Controls << MISSING JOYSTICK >>
1=WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals
2=Bravo Throttle Quadrant

Also attached the log file for your reference.


Edited by marco chan
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13 minutes ago, marco chan said:

However, the program created a letter "D" with the same GUID instead of mapping it to "A".

It did not. D was created to match device 0, which has GUID DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000

A has GUID 90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000

What has happened is that your Alpha Flight Controls name now seems to be missing:

B=Alpha Flight Controls << MISSING JOYSTICK >>

Even though the GUIDs match, the names dont and so a new letter entry is created:


I don't know why the name (in the registry) for your Alpha is now missing. You can either correct that, or go with the blank name by changing that section to:

A=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
1=WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals
2=Bravo Throttle Quadrant


P.S. This is not a bug, but something that changed in your system. I will remove [Bug Report] from the title of this post.

Edited by John Dowson
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  • John Dowson changed the title to Auto-assignment of new letter instead of mapping existing letter with the same controller GUID

Hi John,

In this case, any suggestion to avoid this happen again?

Since the name of controller are randomly missing. Although the log file can able to show the name as normal...

Or is any option/flags can be add to let the program mapping the letter only base on the GUID and ignore the controller name? Thanks.

      109 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      109 Product= Alpha Flight Controls
      109    Manufacturer= Honeycomb Aeronautical
      109    Serial Number= B0D62D1726183B00
      109    Vendor=294B, Product=1900 (Version 2.32)
      109    GUIDs returned for product: VID_294B&PID_1900:
      109       GUID= {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}
      109       Details: Btns=35, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X255,Y255,Z0
      109 Product= WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals
      109    Manufacturer= Winwing
      109    Serial Number= 3F8640B2A416E331A3160002
      109    Vendor=4098, Product=BEF0 (Version 1.8)
      109    GUIDs returned for product: VID_4098&PID_BEF0:
      109       GUID= {A47B9AE0-E55C-11EE-8001-444553540000}
      109       Details: Btns=15, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R65535,U65535,V65535,X0,Y0,Z0
      109 Product= Bravo Throttle Quadrant
      109    Manufacturer= Honeycomb Aeronautical
      109    Serial Number= A6F52D091D2D3B00
      109    Vendor=294B, Product=1901 (Version 1.5)
      109    GUIDs returned for product: VID_294B&PID_1901:
      109       GUID= {90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}
      109       Details: Btns=48, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R1023,U1023,V1023,X1023,Y1023,Z1023
      109 Product= Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)
      109    Vendor=28DE, Product=11FF (Version 0.0)


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1 minute ago, marco chan said:

In this case, any suggestion to avoid this happen again?

You may have a registry issue. Please show me / attach your FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv file and I will take a look.

2 minutes ago, marco chan said:

Since the name of controller are randomly missing. Although the log file can able to show the name as normal...

It finds the name in the device scan but not when matching to the registry:


      125 Device acquired for use:
      125    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      125    0=Alpha Flight Controls
      125    0.GUID={DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}
      125 Device acquired for use:
      125    Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay)
      125    1=WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals
      125    1.GUID={A47B9AE0-E55C-11EE-8001-444553540000}
      125 Device acquired for use:
      125    Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay)
      125    2=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
      125    2.GUID={90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}
      125 Device acquired for use:
      125    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      125    0=
      125    0.GUID={DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}

Your JoyScan file will tell me why.

2 minutes ago, marco chan said:

Or is any option/flags can be add to let the program mapping the letter only base on the GUID and ignore the controller name?

No. The matching on GUID and name is there for a reason, and has been like this for 10+ years. I am not going to revise the code for this now.

Windows does occasionally create new entries for devices sometimes, maybe when disconnecting and re-connecting to a different hub, or on windows updates. It can also change the GUID of devices. Any such changes in the registry usually require a simple update of the ini to get it working again, or a cleaning of the registry entries. I can help with both, but there is nothing I can or am prepared to do about this in the way that devices are scanned and acquired by FSUIPC.


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Do you have an attachment added to your Alpha? Both HID scanning and your registry show an additional device (different vendor/product ids) but with the same GUID as your Alpha:


,,, HIDscanning completed

N, x00, x294B, x1900, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x4098, xBEF0, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {A47B9AE0-E55C-11EE-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x294B, x1901, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, N
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, -1, 0, {NULL}, {NULL}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, N

,,, REGscanning completed

N, x00, x294B, x1900, Alpha Flight Controls, -1, 0, 0, {NULL}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x4098, xBEF0, WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals, -1, 1, 0, {NULL}, {A47B9AE0-E55C-11EE-8001-444553540000}, {A47B9AE0-E55C-11EE-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x294B, x1901, Bravo Throttle Quadrant, -1, 2, 0, {NULL}, {90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}, {90950270-68C6-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y
N, x00, x28DE, x11FF, , -1, 0, 0, {NULL}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, {DA65E8F0-62FA-11EB-8001-444553540000}, Y, Y

Vendor ID of 28DE is 'Valve Software' - no idea who they are, and cannot find a product matching that product ID.

We could remove that registry entry, but if it is also being detected via HID scanning it will probably just get re-added.

Does your Alpha get recognized and work with the changes I proposed?

Did you change or install anything that could cause this issue? e.g. maybe some additional software for use with the Alpha?

P.S. Valve Software do gaming software and also Steam. Have you changed or enabled some functions in Steam?

Edited by John Dowson
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Ah... I think this is the same issue reported previously (as a phantom xbox controller). You can add the following to the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file to get FSUIPC7 to ignore this fake steam device:


When you do this, also revert your [JoyNames] section to the original, i.e.

A=Bravo Throttle Quadrant
B=Alpha Flight Controls
0=Alpha Flight Controls
1=WINWING SKYWALKER Metal Rudder Pedals
2=Bravo Throttle Quadrant


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It works. Thanks a lot.

Actually, I am also looking into that device. One interesting observation is that the device seem only appears when fsuipc is in auto-run mode via the MSFS exe.xml.

When manually starting fsuipc or restarting the program, that device disappears from the JoyScan file.

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1 hour ago, marco chan said:

One interesting observation is that the device seem only appears when fsuipc is in auto-run mode via the MSFS exe.xml.

Yes - it only occurs when FSUIPC7 is started when MSFS is still booting to the main menu. I did report this issue to Asobo quite a while ago but have yet to receive a response:

I have also now reported this to Steam.


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You guys are a life saver - was having this issue with VIRPIL Mongoose controls where each time I loaded the Sim, I had the "Missing Assignment".

Followed advice and works perfectly. I have the shortcut from FSUIPC and load MSFS that way

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