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Since Last month I have to re load the Mobiflight presets each time I launch FSUIPC7.

Is there any setting to ajust to avoid this problem ? 

Tanks à lot for answers ! 

Best regards. 

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15 hours ago, PEPIN said:

Since Last month I have to re load the Mobiflight presets each time I launch FSUIPC7.

What do you mean by this? Presets are loaded when you start FSUIPC7, and it was not possible to reload presets until I added this option in the latest release, 7.4.14, so it was not possible for you to reload the MF presets before this.

So, please explain your issue, and show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log file generated when you have your issue (and please exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the file).


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Hi !

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I tried again with Fsuipc7.

Here is the behaviours I had:

1 - When launching MSFS and a flight with Fenix A320 or PMDG 777 and 737, the buttons which uses a Mobiflight preset don't work.

2 - After having closed FSUIPC 7 and re launch it, every thing work

If I lauch MSFS with the FSUIPC shortcut ( please wait FSUIPC is preparing the cabin), I have the same behavioursS

Attached the required files.

Thanks a lot for your help


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16 minutes ago, PEPIN said:

1 - When launching MSFS and a flight with Fenix A320 or PMDG 777 and 737, the buttons which uses a Mobiflight preset don't work.

Are you manually starting FSUIPC7 or is it auto-started? The log file you attached shows that FSUIPC7 was manually started. You tried to start using presets 5 seconds after starting FSUIPC7, which gave errors:


     4531 Aircraft="FenixA320 CFM"
     5047  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'
     5094  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'
     5140  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'
     5187  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'
     5234  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'

However, FSUIPC7 only became ready for use after 11.422 seconds:


    11312  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '(L:S_FCU_EFIS1_ND_MODE) ++ 4 min (>L:S_FCU_EFIS1_ND_MODE)'
    11359  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-2147467259]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'
    11359 -------------------- Starting everything now ----------------------
    11359 Starting WAPI....
    11359   [INFO]: **** Starting FSUIPC7 WASM Interface (WAPI) version 1.0.4 (WASM version 1.0.4) using connection -1
    11359   [INFO]: Connected to MSFS
    11406 Lvars received: 2428 L:vars & 220 H:vars now available
    11422 Requesting Input Events...
    11422 Lvars/Hvars received - checking aircraft autos....

Any assignments will not work until after the 'Starting everything now' line is logged, and presets are not available for use until the '[INFO]: Connected to MSFS' line is logged, and generally you should wait until initial lvars have been received and any lua autos have been loaded, which is after this line:
    11422 Lvars/Hvars received - checking aircraft autos....

Your ini file also does not contain the DetectToConnectDelay or DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter - did you remove these? Please add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file:

and change the following (currently set to 45):

18 minutes ago, PEPIN said:

Here is the behaviours I had:

1 - When launching MSFS and a flight with Fenix A320 or PMDG 777 and 737, the buttons which uses a Mobiflight preset don't work.

2 - After having closed FSUIPC 7 and re launch it, every thing work

If I lauch MSFS with the FSUIPC shortcut ( please wait FSUIPC is preparing the cabin), I have the same behavioursS

Well, it would have be useful to see your FSUIPC7.log file generated when FSUIPC7 was auto-started and you had this behavior - the log you attached was from when you manually started.

Make the changes I mentioned above, then run MSFS, let FSUIPC7 get auto-started, and then exit MSFS. This will allow FSUIPC7 to auto-tune those start-up parameters. Then run MSFS again and let FSUIPC7 get auto-started. If you have any issues after this, exit FSUIPC7 and show me your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files again.



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Also change your profile aircraft names to use substrings - if you don't do this, your assignments will not load when you use an aircraft with a different livery. Change


[Profile.Fenix A320]
1=FenixA320 CFM
2=FenixA320 IAE



[Profile.Fenix A320]



[Profile.PMDG 737]
1=PMDG 737-900 PMDG House (N739BW | 2022)
2=PMDG 737-900ER PMDG House (N739EB | 2022)



[Profile.PMDG 737]
1=PMDG 737-900



[Profile.Monomoteur et bi moteur G1000]
1=Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX
2=Asobo Baron G58
3=Black Square Turbine Duke N6060X



[Profile.Monomoteur et bi moteur G1000]
1=Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
2=Asobo Baron G58
3=Black Square Turbine Duke

i.e. You should change the aircraft names added to a profile section to a substring that catches ALL variants. If you leave the name as it is, you will have to add the aircraft again when you use a different version/livery. You should get into the habit of doing this each time you add an aircraft to a profile.

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Sorry, but your log file again shows that you were trying to use presets before FSUIPC was ready.
Did you actually load an aircraft and get ready-to-fly? Looks like you got to the main MSFS menu after 76 seconds, then exited MSFS 5 minutes later, and FSUIPC7 did not detect you having an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly. Can you please explain what you did.

Also, please try another aircraft. Maybe this is an issue with the Fenix.

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In the previous test, I was ready to  fly with the Fenix A320.  No button was working, those set with Mobiflight presets and those set with  standard setting.

Now files with MSFS ready to fly with the PMDG 777. Only the Mobifly presets butons are not working. 


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First, get you stop all these errors:


   128079  [ERROR]: Error setting Client Data Calculator Code [-1073741648]: '2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_L) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_R) 2 (>L:S_OH_EXT_LT_LANDING_BOTH)'

These are from preset FNX320_LIGHT_LANDING_BOTH_ON which you have assigned on repeat, so this is getting sent 20 times a second, causing those errors. Please change the assignment line in your [Buttons.Fenix A320] section:

14=RE,17,CPFNX320_LIGHT_LANDING_BOTH_ON,0     -{Preset Control}-

Change that R to  a P:

14=PE,17,CPFNX320_LIGHT_LANDING_BOTH_ON,0     -{Preset Control}-

You are also using the same assignment in your TBM 930 profile - change there, or maybe just remove those assignment to Fenix presets.

Other than that, it looks like WASM connection wasn't working, which is why the presets weren't working.

Can you make that correction please and test again and show me the new FSUIPC7.log file and the FSUIPC_WASM.log file. The location of the latter is:


For Steam installs, in the following folder under your user account:
    AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work

For MS Store installs, in the following folder under your user account:


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II need to see your FSUIPC7.log file as well please. I always need that.

I have now experienced a WASM crash switching between the PMDG 737 and 777, so there is definitely an issue there. But your WASM log shows that it ran ok for you, so it must be something else.

I am investigating the WASM crash and will get back to you once I have found anything.

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That log file you attached ends after 94 seconds before you even had the 777 loaded and ready to fly, and so is useless.

You also have other presets sent on repeat - please also change these:

15=RF,4,CPPMDG_B737_FD_Switch_Capt_On,0     -{Preset Control}-
17=RF,31,CPPMDG_B737_FD_Switch_FO_On,0     -{Preset Control}-
21=RE,4,CPPMDG_B737-7_GEAR_DOWN,0     -{Preset Control}-

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You still have not changed the preset assignments on repeat in your [Buttons.PMDG 777] section  - change these as well, as I said in my last comment::

15=RF,4,CPPMDG_B737_FD_Switch_Capt_On,0     -{Preset Control}-
17=RF,31,CPPMDG_B737_FD_Switch_FO_On,0     -{Preset Control}-
21=RE,4,CPPMDG_B737-7_GEAR_DOWN,0     -{Preset Control}-

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Hi, good morning !

Sorry, may be, I didn't save correctly my changes.

Now, my Fenix and PMDG aircrafts seem to work correctly regarding the Mobiflight presets.

I notice that my fps have increased. Do you think that it is in relation with these wrong repeat settings ?

I hope that now every thing is correct in my ini file....


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Looks good now!

3 hours ago, PEPIN said:

I notice that my fps have increased. Do you think that it is in relation with these wrong repeat settings ?

No, I don't think a repeat assignment would effect fps that much....but you could add it back to see if the fps decreases if you want to check this.


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