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Button&Switches Presets stop working


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started flying again after some time (thanks PMDG...) and now I face a peculiar problem. Randomly my Joystick button presets do not work. I'm talking about the Mobiflight presets. Any other default FS presets work just fine, including the RotorBrake parameters I used to send to PMDG before the Mobiflight got filled in. Axis assignments work just fine

This has been confirmed on my side to happen both with PMDG 777 and 737. As I said, it's random, either it works from the beginning or not. Only solution I found so far is to completely restart the sim and hope for the best. I've tried dis-/connecting the FSUIPC, restart the WASM, restart FSUIPC altogether, restart the flight, nothing has worked. During assigning the buttons on 777 I noticed it stopped working when I spent too much time in the FSUIPC menu.

It has been happening on both the 7.4.13 and 7.4.14 versions for me.

Edited by BJHawk
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I need to see your files. The next time the presets stop working, please exit FSUIPC7 and show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files.

Also, please make sure that you are using the latest version of FSUIPC7, v7.4.14. There was a bug in the previous versions that could cause the WASM to crash on occasion, which would prevent presets working. The latest version also has the specific offsets for the PMDG 777 activated.


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1 hour ago, dutchkip said:

All setting are there but are not reacting. Re-calibrated everything, working ok, 15 mins into flight lost all connection.

Sorry, but the FSUIPC7.log file you attached ends after half a second and shows that FSUIPC7 was still running and not even yet connected to MSFS. I need to se the FSUIPC7.log file from when you experience the issue. Also, please attach your FSUIPC_WASM.log file, from when you experience this issue.

1 hour ago, dutchkip said:

Had to reboot PC to get out of MSFS.

Why was this - did MSFS hang? Couldn't you kill it? Is there anything (i.e. an error or warning in the Windows Event viewer related to this?



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@dutchkip Also, there are a few issues with your ini file. First, please hcange your profile sections. Change this:


[Profile.PMDG 738]
1=PMDG 737-800 Transavia (PH-HSG)
2=PMDG 737-800 Transavia (PH-HSI)
3=PMDG 737-800 Transavia (PH-HSF)
4=PMDG 737-800 Transavia (PH-HSB)
5=PMDG 737-800 Transavia (PH-HSC)
6=PMDG 737-800 PMDG House (N738BW | 2022)

to this:


[Profile.PMDG 738]
1=PMDG 737-800

This will then catch ALL variants with of the PMFG 737-800 via substring matching.

Secondly, your devices keep getting assigned new letters for some reason (looks like your device names and GUIDs have changed), and rather than correcting this you are adding more assignments to the new device letters. I can clean your ini for this, but I need to see your FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv file.


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9 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

@dutchkip Also, there are a few issues with your ini file. First, please hcange your profile sections. Change this:

to this:

This will then catch ALL variants with of the PMFG 737-800 via substring matching.

Secondly, your devices keep getting assigned new letters for some reason (looks like your device names and GUIDs have changed), and rather than correcting this you are adding more assignments to the new device letters. I can clean your ini for this, but I need to see your FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv file.




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@dutchkip Can you try the following ini file please, attached below. I have corrected your ini and removed the duplicate device letters. Some assignments have changed and I have tried to keep the latest assignments. These are the ones I removed:
    On B737COL:
        removed as replaced with assignment to SET_THROTTLE1_REVERSE_THRUST_ON
            4=RC,0,K82,11     -{Key press: lctl+lshift+R}-
            29=RC,0,K113,8     -{Key press: F2}-
        removed as replaced with assignment to SET_THROTTLE2_REVERSE_THRUST_ON
            37=PC,3,K113,8     -{Key press: F2}-

    On Flight Yoke System:
        removed as replaced with assignment to Key press: Home
           8=PA,6,K32,10     -{Key press: lctl+Space}-

Note also that you have two assignments to button 7 on your Flight Yoke System:
    9=PA,7,K45,8     -{Key press: Ins}-
  10=PA,7,K35,8     -{Key press: End}-
so both key presses will be sent when you press this button. This may be ok, if this is what you intended.

And you have the same controls assigned to buttons 6 and 7 of your B737COL:
    0=PC,7,C66587,68801     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
    1=PC,6,C66587,68801     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
and also the same control assigned to buttons 8 and 9:
    2=PC,9,C66587,68901     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
    3=PC,8,C66587,68901     -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-

If you get further issues with your assignments now working on start-up, please exit FSUIPC7 and show me your FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv files again BEFORE doing anything else.

Your loss of controls is another / separate issue. When this happens, exit FSUIPC7 and show me the log file. You can also then re-start FSUIPC7 to see if your controllers work after a restart (when you do this, your previous log file will be renamed to FSUIPC7_prev.log) - if not, show me / attach those 3 files again,



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1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

@BJHawk When you lose connection during flight, does the PMDG VC still respond? I ask because I see there is a report on avsim about the loss of controls in the PMDG 777 during flight:

So there could be an issue with the 777.


Thanks John,

I will let you know how I get on with this ini file.



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Yes John, VC still respond just fine, as all the assigments where I used default FS "Rotor Brake" preset with Parameter sent to control specific button (simulating clicking it I guess). What stops working are the predefined MobiFlight presets. And it happened to me both in 777 and 737, so I think unrelated to the AVSIM post.

Haven't encountered the issue yet, will post as soon as I get it again.


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1 minute ago, BJHawk said:

What stops working are the predefined MobiFlight presets. And it happened to me both in 777 and 737, so I think unrelated to the AVSIM post.

Haven't encountered the issue yet, will post as soon as I get it again.

Ok. Please also set Debug logging in the WAPI (Log ->WAPI -> Debug) and show me your FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC_WASM.log file if/when this happens again, and attach after exiting FSUIPC7. Also worth checking the MSFS debug console (you need devmode activated to see this) to see if any errors (related to FSUIPC) are reported there, especially if there is a message relating to the FSUIPC WASM crashing.

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2 hours ago, dutchkip said:

Thanks John,

I will let you know how I get on with this ini file.



Hi John,

Managed a flight ok.

Had to assign throttle 2 as it wasn't reacting and found throttle 2 moving about when on auto pilot and VNAV activated causing AT to switch off.

Other then that working fine again.

Thanks and regards


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35 minutes ago, dutchkip said:

Had to assign throttle 2 as it wasn't reacting

I noticed this was missing in the ini file you attached, which I thought was strange...

36 minutes ago, dutchkip said:

and found throttle 2 moving about when on auto pilot and VNAV activated causing AT to switch off

Not sure what could cause this.

Anyway, please keep an eye on things and send me the files again if you get a problem, as there may be an issue somewhere as others are having similar problems.

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Posted (edited)

Hi, so it finally happened today with FBW A320. Unfortunately cannot add the files, too big. FSUIPC_WASM.log has not been created for some reason though


Edited by BJHawk
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46 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

so it finally happened today with FBW A320.

Are you using 7.4.15? Was it just the presets that stopped working?

47 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

Unfortunately cannot add the files, too big.

You can compress/zip them. If still too big, you can use one of the free file transfer services (e.g. https://filetransfer.io/).

48 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

FSUIPC_WASM.log has not been created for some reason though

It must be there - are you sure you are looking in the correct place? It is in the WASM persistent storage area:


The WASM module takes its default settings from ini files. These are named FSUIPC_WASM.ini and can be located:

1. In the WASM folder, under your Community/fsuipc-lvar-module folder
2. In the WASM persistent storage area, which is:
For Steam installs, in the following folder under your user account:
AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work
For MS Store installs, in the following folder under your user account:

The FSUIPC WASM log file (FSUIPC_WASM.log) can also be found in this location.


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From the begging. Restarting FSUIPC didn't help. When I had the console open last time this happened I did see the FSUIPC registering the correct button presses, but sim didn't respond to them, just like you can see in the FSUIPC log I sent. I forgot to check the MSFS log after the flight 🤦‍♂️

EDIT: Happened straight away on another flight with FBW A320, here's a log from MSFS:

Screenshot 2024-07-14 160546.png

Screenshot 2024-07-14 160634.png

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1 hour ago, BJHawk said:

Happened straight away on another flight with FBW A320, here's a log from MSFS:

I need to see the FSUIPC_WASM.log from when it crashed.

Restarting FSUIPC won't help. This is an FSUIPC WASM crash and you need to restart MSFS.

Which version of the FBW A320 were you using?

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Here are the logs from the entire aforementioned flight.


I'm using the DEV version, never had any problems with it.

Just to be safe I restarted the sim, load up the A320 and it worked. Then, without restarting the sim, I loaded up PMDG 777 to check it, and lo and behold, it stopped working after just a few preset sends. Here are the logs, the Presets stopped working at about line 1447 of FSUIPC log.


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On 7/14/2024 at 6:54 PM, BJHawk said:

Here are the logs from the entire aforementioned flight.

Unfortunately the logs don't reveal much. I have now had MSFS running (and attached to a debugger for the WASM) for around 24hours, switching between the FBW A320 and the PMDG 777 and 737 and have not been able to get the WASM to crash/fail. I had to stop this session as I ended up getting exceptions/a CTD in MSFS.

Looks like there is definitely a problem somewhere in the WASM causing this but it is going to be difficult to track down. I will keep investigating, and I do have some performance improvements I would like to implement in the WASM so maybe I will take a look at these to see if this improves things.

There are some minor adjustments you can make which will hopefully make this crash less likely. Change the following in your FSUIPC_WASM.ini file (the one in your WASM persistance area, not the one under your Community folder. Set the following ini parameters:

12 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

I have a similar problem now where the autopilot and auto throttle is not recognised from my joystick button.
This is happened only with the FBW A320

Are you sure this is the same problem, i.e. a WASM crash? To verify this, you can either try sending another preset or lvar update - if that works, the WASM hasn't crashed. Otherwise, you need to check in the devmode debug console - search for fsuipc and see if there is an exception message.
If it is a WASM crash, also please try those updated settings mentioned above. If not, then I will need to see your files (FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC_WASM.log).


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@BJHawk Could you please try the attached updated WASM module please. Save the FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm file to your Community\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules folder, and the layout.json and manifest.json files to your Community\fsuipc-lvar-module folder.

There is not a specific fix for this issue, but I have switched to using tagged data so this version should be more efficient. Let me know if you have any issues, and if so please attach your FSUIPC_WASM.log file.

@J-Aviator If your issue is with a WASM crash, please also try this version.







Edited by John Dowson
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The problem is gone when I checked today, in some way has been fixed.
Where I can find the following file? FSUIPC_WASM.log

I can find FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files but not the _WASM.log one.

Do I need to turn on some setting to log this?


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2 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

The problem is gone when I checked today, in some way has been fixed.

Very strange...did anything change?

2 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

Where I can find the following file? FSUIPC_WASM.log

It is in the WASM persistence storage area - from the Advanced User guide:


WASM module ini file and parameters

The WASM module takes its default settings from ini files. These are named FSUIPC_WASM.ini and can be located:
1. In the WASM folder, under your Community/fsuipc-lvar-module
2. In the WASM persistent storage area, which is:
    For Steam installs, in the following folder under your user
        AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work
    For MS Store installs, in the following folder under your user
The FSUIPC WASM log file (FSUIPC_WASM.log) can also be found in this location.


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