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How to control 777 fuel cut off levers.

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Try the presets PMDG B777 FUEL CONTROL LEVER R CUTOFF and PMDG B777 FUEL CONTROL LEVER R CUTOFF, or the presets PMDG 777 FUEL CUT OFF ENGINE 1 TOGGLE and PMDG 777 FUEL CUT OFF ENGINE 2 TOGGLE. If you check Select for Preset and then click the Find Preset... button, they will be listed under MobiFlight -> PMDG -> B777 300ER ->Engine.


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39 minutes ago, CaptainSinan said:

I do not fully understand. We can only do these through FSUIPC, right? Do I need to use Mobiflight?

You do not need MobiFlight. FSUIPC includes the MobiFlight presets in the event file (events.txt), which is from the community-driven effort, led by MpboFlighjt), on the HubHop site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/).
Please see the Advanced User guide on presets, lvars, hvars etc (in the WASM section). You should read this to get an overview of what presets are and how to update, etc
To assign a button/ or key to a preset, you just check the Select for Preset checkbox, and the presets will be available for assignment in the drop-down menu. However, as there are > 16,000 presets (and growing), it is easier to either use the Find Preset.. button to locate a preset, or find the exact name using the search facilities provided by  the MF HibHop site.

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