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ProSim 737 Assignements: Parking brake and cut-off

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Hello Pete, For a long time with this fabulous software, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the work done. I've never had a problem with it, but by changing my PC configuration to a more flexible one, I lost some information.
I have Prosim 737 (version 07/2012) and Fsuipc latest version registered.
- I have registered Parking break with 0 to activate it and 1 to release it but using it reverses the settings.
- The assignment of the 2 cut offs of my throttle (RSP) is causing me a problem, I cannot cut off my engines when stopped.
I thank you for any help you can give me.
Kind regards.

(Sorry for my English, I'm just a poor Frenchman)


Sorry but I have another problem on my 2nd networked PC and Windows 11, Fsuipc (7.4.16) does not want to install. Thanks again Pete.

25 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

Hello Pete

Pete retired many years ago now...

25 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

I have Prosim 737 (version 07/2012) and Fsuipc latest version registered.
- I have registered Parking break with 0 to activate it and 1 to release it but using it reverses the settings.

What do you mean by 'but using it reverses the settings.'. Normally you would activate with a parameter of 1, and release with a parameter of 0. Have you tried that?

27 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

- The assignment of the 2 cut offs of my throttle (RSP) is causing me a problem, I cannot cut off my engines when stopped.

What are you using/assigning to for this? Please attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files. I don't have the ProSim 737, but I can take a look to see if I can see anything.

22 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

Sorry but I have another problem on my 2nd networked PC and Windows 11, Fsuipc (7.4.16) does not want to install.

What do you mean by this? If MSFS is not installed on the 2nd PC, then you cannot install FSUIPC7 via the installer. If using FSUIPC7 on a client PC (i.e. without MSFS installed), please see Appendix 4 of the Advanced User guide - this gives instructions on how to install and configure FSUIPC7 on a client PC.


Hello John, And sorry, I knew that it was you who took over, and thank you for your responsiveness. In fact:
- I have correctly configured PARKING BREAK : 0 to activate it and 1 to release.
But when I return to FS20: 0 becomes release and 1 activated, it happens that it is necessary to manipulate its
veral times for it to return to its initial configuration.
- For the cut off, I was not able to find: CUT OFF FUEL in the list.

- Finally, I thank you for the installation of FSUIPC on my 2nd PC, I will follow your advice.

I attach my 2 config.ini of FSUIPC and Prosim.

Thank you very much for your help.


FSUIPC7.ini config.xml


First, you are using 7.4.15 - please update to the latest and only supported version, 7.4.16.

Your ini file is also a bit of a mess as it looks like the GUIDs of some of your devices have changed, and rather than correcting this you have re-assigned to the new joyletter.
I have tried to correct for this in the attached ini file, so can you please try this.

48 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

- I have correctly configured PARKING BREAK : 0 to activate it and 1 to release. But when I return to FS20: 0 becomes release and 1 activated, it happens that it is necessary to manipulate its veral times for it to return to its initial configuration.

But as I said, isn't it 1 to activate and 0 to release? Anyway, your assignments were confused as you had assignments to PARKING_BRAKES with a parameter, and this is a toggle control that doesn't take a parameter, and also assignments to PARKING_BRAKE_SET, which does take a parameter. Anyway, try the attached ini and if you have issues with this, please activate logging for Buttons & Switches as well as Events, and show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files.

56 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

- For the cut off, I was not able to find: CUT OFF FUEL in the list.

Normally you would use TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1/2, which you have assigned to buttons 17 & 16 of your JoyWarrior A8-16 controller. Do these not work?
As I don't have the ProSim 737, I cannot advise on what to use. Try using FSUIPC's logging facilities and see what control is logged when you cut-off in the VC, and then try assigning to that.

Any issues with this updated ini, please re-attach it together with your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.JoyScan.csv files and explain the issue.



P.S. I thought with the latest versions of the ProSim 737, it is recommended to use ProSim itself for (most, if not all) assignments ...is this not the case?


Many thanks for your help, I will download the latest version of Fsuipc and try the new .in file tomorrow Saturday, and let you know.
Have a nice day.



Hello John, Before trying the fixes that you were kind enough to give me, I come back to an installation of Fsuipc on my second PC (slave), I also installed MSFS20, but Fsuipc does not want to install, I have however updated all the Visual C++ (2005/2008/2010-X64 AND X86) / 2013 the same and 2015 the same.
Maybe something is missing.
Kind regards and have a good day.


50 minutes ago, Phil64 said:

I come back to an installation of Fsuipc on my second PC (slave), I also installed MSFS20, but Fsuipc does not want to install,

Did you read that Appendix? For a slave/client PC, you do not need MSFS installed and you do NOT install FSUIPC via the installer - you copy it across. Please read that appendix.

If you have installed MSFS on your client PC then you need to run it at least once before running the FSUIPC installer. If it does not install, what does it say? Have you checked the InstallFSUIPC7.log file? Check that for any issues, and you can also post/attach it here.


  • John Dowson changed the title to ProSim 737 Assignements: Parking brake and cut-off

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