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Controls "wild" until I move them around a bit

Matthew Twomey

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I have a strange issue and I'm not positive if it's fsuipc related or not. I'm coming back to MSFS, FSUIPC after a long break and have reinstalled everything. I have controls in FSUIPC assigned directly to flight functions (not pass through as normal axis). However, very often when I first start a flight - the controls act "wonky" - ailerons have wild reactions, elevator trim is set to a really high value, ...etc. If I move all the controls to their extremes, things "snap back" to a normal state and everything is fine for the duration of the flight.

Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this or how I might fix it?

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This sounds very strange - I have not heard of such behavior before. Does this happen with all aircraft or just with specific aircraft?
You can show me / attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files and I can take a look to see if I can see anything, although I am not sure what I am looking for.
You can also try with logging for Axes Controls activated and open the logging console (Log -> Open Console). This will show you the axes controls that FSUIPC7 is seeing- try moving the ailerons smoothly through there full range and see what values are logged.

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Ok, found the issue. This particular plane is starting with AP on and I hadn't realized that. In addition to that, it behaves strangely, visually, as described here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/flight-controls-move-in-reverse-when-on-autopilot-roll-axis/429656

So once I moved to the extents of the controls, it breaks out of AP and things go back to normal. So easy fix (check check AP status once I start).

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