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Good morning... I use FSUIPC to load a script called GSX_AUTO (its a lua script to automate GSX) 
Im having a strange issue where FSUIPC seems to stop( it seems randomly)  on certain startups before getting the aircraft LVARS, so the script  doesnt seem to then run ...
What could cause this... Im not an FSUIPC "power user"  but I do run the FSUIPC popup log so I can see what its doing..
When it fails to load any LVARS, I basically cant retrieve that situation even by restarting FSUIPC.. it needs a sim restart and fingers crossed it works next time.. 🙂
The aircraft is the SAME each time (PMDG 737-800) 
I hope that makes some sense..I have attached a log called FAILED, when the fault happens, followed by a successful log when it all works correctly 
let me know if you need anything else..  
the only thing ive added recently  is a new aircraft which I see has put a file in the exe xml which gets loaded (Maddog Md82 MDClient.exe) but im not using that aircraft in these situations.. 
Im assuming it cant be related to that ?
any help would be gratefully appreciated  !

FSUIPC7failed.logFetching info... FSUIPC7GOOD.logFetching info...


🙂OK.. Im working on the assumption that I do have intermittent WASM crashes.. I've done all the steps correctly  I think and placed my  wasm ini file in the persistence area..(where the WASM logs are)  (copied from community folder) 
am I safe to set LvarScanFrequency=0 as suggested and  LvarScanDelay=10
It looks like that disables scanning for new Lvars..what does that mean in practice?..suppose there ARE some new Lvars...? is that an issue?
Its all a little above my pay grade so just checking 🙂


  On 9/2/2024 at 10:14 AM, wakevortex said:

am I safe to set LvarScanFrequency=0 as suggested and  LvarScanDelay=10



  On 9/2/2024 at 10:14 AM, wakevortex said:

It looks like that disables scanning for new Lvars..what does that mean in practice?..suppose there ARE some new Lvars...? is that an issue?


This just means that any lvars detected after the initial scan will not be known to FSUIPC, i.e. if you try and list them or use them with an lvar function (e.g. adding to FSUIPC offsets, using directly  in a macro or in a lua lvar function) then they will not be seen or updated. You can still use such lvars via presets/calculator code. This should not be an issue as any lvars you want to use should be loaded and available after the first scan.

Note also that if you create lvars via the various mechanisms for this in FSUIPC, a scan will automatically be performed and the lvar will be available. You can also force a scan if/when required (via the Add-ons->WASM->Reload menu option, or via lua (ipc.reloadWASM()) or a specific add-on control Reload WASM). 



Great Thanks John..all understood.. 

Would I be able to assign  Reload WASM to a joystick button directly in FSUIPC? (registered) just in case 
I normally use Axis and Ohs for assignments.. 


all appreciated 

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