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Two actions on one button with delay.

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Hello. Tell me how to do two actions on one button with a delay. For example. When cleaning the chassis, the light turned off after two or three seconds. It's working at the same time now.

19=CP(+A,23)A,10,C66079,0     -{GEAR_UP}-
19=CP(+A,23)A,10,CPPMDG_B777_Landing_Light_Nose_Off,0     -{Preset Control}-

14 minutes ago, Vovdv said:

Hello. Tell me how to do two actions on one button with a delay. For example. When cleaning the chassis, the light turned off after two or three seconds. It's working at the same time now.

19=CP(+A,23)A,10,C66079,0     -{GEAR_UP}-
19=CP(+A,23)A,10,CPPMDG_B777_Landing_Light_Nose_Off,0     -{Preset Control}-

That won't execute both actions as you have the same index number - should be:

19=CP(+A,23)A,10,C66079,0     -{GEAR_UP}-
20=CP(+A,23)A,10,CPPMDG_B777_Landing_Light_Nose_Off,0     -{Preset Control}-

To insert a delay, you can add a pause control, e.g.

19=CP(+A,23)A,10,C66079,0     -{GEAR_UP}-
21=CP(+A,23)A,10,CPPMDG_B777_Landing_Light_Nose_Off,0     -{Preset Control}-

That will add a delay of 2.5 seconds (2500 milliseconds).,

Note that you can also use macros to send multiple commands - see the user manual for details.


19 hours ago, Vovdv said:

But I can't figure out the macros.

You don't have to use macros - you can just overload the assignments if you prefer, as I showed. However, if you have many buttons with overloaded assignments, and you are using more than 2 actions on a button press/release, it may be better to use macros, but its up to you really.

19 hours ago, Vovdv said:

Could you please show an example of a macro in this action.

Create a macro file - you would normally name it after the aircraft to which it applies, or maybe the the aircraft + subsystem. As this is for the PMDG777,  create a macro file called PMDG777.mcro. and add the following contents:


Restart FSUIPC7 and you can then assign to the macro and then you would need to add the compound button condition to the assignment (compound and offset conditions always go on the assignment, not in the macro itself).



Note also that macros are also an easy solution to toggle or set lvars and hvars, but if you also need to read the values of an lvar better to add to an offset and use that. See the Advanced User Guide for details on macro use.

I can also see now that the documentation also needs updating, as macros also handle presets and input events. 

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