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Stuttering when FSUIPC7 is connected

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I'm on version 7.4.17 (registered), and I notice consistent stuttering every few seconds, displayed as a spike in latency in the Dev Tools "Display FPS" display. Disconnecting FSUIPC7 immediately resolves the stuttering, which returns as soon as I reconnect.In the Dev Tools Console, I see the following lines spammed over and over, only when I'm connected:

 [DEBUG]: EVENT_LVARSET_REQUEST_RECEIVED: lvarId='2109', param=0.000000
 [DEBUG]: Lvar with id=2109 set to 0.000000
 [DEBUG]: Lvar with id=2110 set to 1.000000
 [DEBUG]: EVENT_LVARSET_REQUEST_RECEIVED: lvarId='2110', param=1.000000

No idea if they point to an issue or if they're benign. I'm attaching my .ini and .log file as well.



Looks like something is continually trying to set two lvars (with ids 2109 and 2110. Try listing the lvars (via Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars - the lvars will be listed with ids and in id order in your log file) to see what those lvars are, which should give you a clue as to what is updating them (probably either a lua script or maybe GSX). Try and see if these are necessary and if they can be stopped.

But 4 lvar updates a second shouldn't cause any issues, but excessive logging can cause stuttering issues. Why are you logging the FSUIPC WASM to the MSFS console, instead of the WASM log file? You must have set this in one of your FSUIPC_WASM.ini files - stop this by setting/changing the ini parameter LogType back to File:

; LogType: File, Console, Both

 You can also switch off such logging by setting the LogLevel back to Info. You only need Debug level logging set when needed for support issues.


Two separate add-ons on side-by-side ids, funny that: //42's Flow Pro, and GSX. Thanks for helping me track that down. I've made the logging changes you suggested, and hopefully that helps, so I'll report back.

   428656   [INFO]:     ID=2109 P42_FLOW_SET_OTTO_CENTERED = 0.000000
   428656   [INFO]:     ID=2110 FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS = 106.000000



I decided to clean up shop a bit and get rid of all LUA scripts I wasn't using, and along with the changes you suggested, I had a stutter-free flight this morning. Thanks again, John.

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