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don't exactly know what I did but now I have all my detents working including 30. I did reset the flaps in joystick config and started setting them again. This time it worked but going flaps up sometimes I have to play with handle to make it work, can't figure that one out. My axis assignment is just flaps, not flaps set that wouldn't work. You can compare the difference that is why I sent an updated file. thanks. Any feedback is always welcomed.

FSUIPC6.iniFetching info...


For PMDG aircraft, you should really use the PMDG custom controls for flaps, i.e. these:


// Pedestal - Control Stand - Flaps
#define EVT_ALTN_FLAPS_ARM                                (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 510)
#define EVT_ALTN_FLAPS_ARM_GUARD                        (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 511)
#define EVT_ALTN_FLAPS_POS                                (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 512)
#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 507)            
#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER_0                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 5071)
#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER_1                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 5072)
#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER_5                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 5073)


Assign your axis to (Unused) on the left hand side of the axis assignments panel, and assign to the specific detents in the right-hand side around the position of each detent (you will need to assign most with both Up and Down, but the _0 detent on down only, and the _30 detent on Up only.  See the User guide (page 38) on assigning controls to axis ranges if not familiar with this.
 To use PMDG custom controls, see 

Also please use substrings for you aircraft profile names - i.e. change:


[Profile.PMDG 777]
1=PMDG 777-300ER Lufthansa (D-AIAA | 2021 | Fictional New Colors)
2=PMDG 777-200ER British Airways (G-YMMP | 2001)
3=PMDG 777-300ER All Nippon Airways (JA733A | 2005)
4=PMDG 777-200ER KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (PH-BQA | 2003 | Albert Plesman)
5=PMDG 777-300ER United Airlines (N2331U | 2016 | New Spirit of United)
6=PMDG 777-300ER Singapore Airlines (9V-SWV | 2013)
7=PMDG 777F Lufthansa Cargo (D-ALFH | 2020 | Namaste India)
8=PMDG 777F Emirates (A6-EFF | 2011)
9=PMDG 777-300ER KLM (PH-BVB | 2012 | KLM Asia)
10=PMDG 777-300ER Air India (VT-ALJ | 2007 | Bihar)
11=PMDG 777-300ER British Airways (G-STBA | 2010)
12=PMDG 777-300ER Air New Zealand (ZK-OKQ | 2012 | All Blacks)
13=PMDG 777-300ER Air New Zealand (ZK-OKR | 2014)
14=PMDG 777-300ER Air Canada (C-FIUV | 2008)
15=PMDG 777-200LR PMDG House (N772LR | 2020)




[Profile.PMDG 777]
1=PMDG 777


This will then catch all variants of the PMDG 777.





In your first ini, you are using the standard controls, which won't work.

In your second ini, you are using custom control numbers 70607m 60608, etc, whuch do not exist.
For  EVT_CONTROL_STAND_FLAPS_LEVER_0, which is THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 5071, use 69632 + 5071 = 74703.
Flaps 1 (5072) would be 74704, etc.

You are also are not using ranges but specific points:


6=2R,D,16383,16383,70607,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Custom control: <70607> }-
7=2R,B,11959,11967,70608,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <70608> }-
8=2R,B,7456,7472,70609,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <70609> }-
9=2R,B,16383,16383,70610,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <70610> }-
10=2R,B,-1962,-1962,70611,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <70611> }-
11=2R,B,-6198,-6198,79612,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <79612> }-
12=2R,U,-13317,-13317,70613,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <70613> }-


you need to use a range around the detent value, as entering a detent will not always give a specific value., and entry 9 has the same range defined as entry 6. Try a range of around 400 around the detent value. e.g.


6=2R,D,16383,16000,74703,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Custom control: <74703> }-
7=2R,B,12159,11767,74704,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74704> }-
8=2R,B,7656,7272,74705,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74705> }-
9=2R,B,3183,2583,74706,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74706> }-
10=2R,B,-1762,-2162,74707,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74707> }-
11=2R,B,-5998,-6398,74708,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74708> }-
12=2R,U,-13117,-13517,74709,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74709> }-




Did you not understand my last comment?
It is obvious what is wrong if you actually look at the panel or at you ini file...
You are again NOT using the correct control numbers:
   - your first range is using control number 16000 with a parameter of 74703, when it should be using control 74703 (and no parameter needed)
   - your second range is using control 11319 with a parameter of 74704, when it should be using control 74704 with no parameter needed
   - similar issues with your 3rd and 4th ranges

Try deleting the addition parameter you have added, highlighted in bold below:


5=2R,256,D,0,0,26,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused) }-
6=2R,D,0,16383,16000,74703    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Custom control: <16000> }-
7=2R,B,0,11719,11319,74704    -{ Entering=Custom control: <11319> }-
8=2R,B,0,7560,7160,74705    -{ Entering=Custom control: <7160> }-
9=2R,B,0,1976,1576,74706    -{ Entering=Custom control: <1576> }-
10=2R,B,-2306,-1906,74707,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74707> }-
11=2R,B,-6590,-6190,74708,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74708> }-
12=2R,U,-13717,-13317,74709,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74709> }-


i.e. Remove those 0,


I did actually put those control numbers in correctly but the program changed them because I did something incorrectly. That is what I am trying to figure out. Please be patient, there are no step by step instructions for doing this like there is for buttons and keys. So excuse my frustration, I will get it corrected but there is no rush on my part. I am using sort of trial and error procedure on my part.

FSUIPC6.iniFetching info...


6=2R,D,16383,16000,74703,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Custom control: <74703> }-
7=2R,B,12159,11767,74704,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74704> }-
8=2R,B,7656,7272,74705,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74705> }-
9=2R,B,3183,2583,74706,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74706> }-
10=2R,B,-1762,-2162,74707,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74707> }-
11=2R,B,-5998,-6398,74708,0    -{ Entering=Custom control: <74708> }-

what I am really asking is how to enter the numbers on left side into the axis assignment boxes, if I leave them empty I get the current file. I am not able to manually enter anything into the boxes and if I manually change the file it will just get overwritten.


FSUIPC6.iniFetching info...

  On 10/17/2024 at 11:00 PM, Flyer626 said:

what I am really asking is how to enter the numbers on left side into the axis assignment boxes,


By moving your axis and clicking the From and To buttons - as described in the User manual:


First you set the range of values in which this action will occur. The little spin control on the left selects which of the 10 ranges you are now setting (you can go back and change or adjust them using that spin control). Then you simply move the lever to the two extremes of the range, clicking the “From” button at one end (the lower number) and “To” at the other (the higher number). If you get these the wrong way round, no matter—FSUIPC will still understand. The values should be different, though.



  On 10/17/2024 at 11:00 PM, Flyer626 said:

if I manually change the file it will just get overwritten.


Change the file either with FSUIPC not running, or with the Axis assignment panel open, and click Reload all assignments when done, otherwise it will get overwritten with the current settings.


I have made many attempts to configure this,, this is the last one, the numbers look right but no movement occurs. My throttles are set up for a PMDG 777 and they work fine. Curious thing my spoilers are set up the regular way and they work in the aircraft in the simulator fine. The buttons set up for incr and decr flaps also work fine. I use an add on util for voice control of my flaps and that works also. Just was trying to configure these in case support for voice control goes away with a windows update in the future as a back up. The add on voice control  util is longer supported in P3D, so I don't expect an update when change occurs. Thanks for the help, just not sure what I else I can do to make it work.

FSUIPC6.iniFetching info...


First, please change this:


[Profile.PMDG 777]
1=PMDG 777
2=PMDG 777-300ER Lufthansa (D-AIAA | 2021 | Fictional New Colors)
3=PMDG 777-200ER British Airways (G-YMMP | 2001)
4=PMDG 777-300ER All Nippon Airways (JA733A | 2005)
5=PMDG 777-200ER KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (PH-BQA | 2003 | Albert Plesman)
6=PMDG 777-300ER United Airlines (N2331U | 2016 | New Spirit of United)
7=PMDG 777-300ER Singapore Airlines (9V-SWV | 2013)
8=PMDG 777F Lufthansa Cargo (D-ALFH | 2020 | Namaste India)
9=PMDG 777F Emirates (A6-EFF | 2011)
10=PMDG 777-300ER KLM (PH-BVB | 2012 | KLM Asia)
11=PMDG 777-300ER Air India (VT-ALJ | 2007 | Bihar)
12=PMDG 777-300ER British Airways (G-STBA | 2010)
13=PMDG 777-300ER Air New Zealand (ZK-OKQ | 2012 | All Blacks)
14=PMDG 777-300ER Air New Zealand (ZK-OKR | 2014)
15=PMDG 777-300ER Air Canada (C-FIUV | 2008)
16=PMDG 777-200LR PMDG House (N772LR | 2020)


to this:


[Profile.PMDG 777]
1=PMDG 777


That won't make any functional difference, but you should understand why the other entries aren't needed....

I don't have the PMDG 777 so cannot test/try these controls to see if they work correctly. Please do the following:
   - start the sim and load the 777
   - open FSUIPC7, and activate logging for both Events and Axis Controls - make sure you also check to Send to console window, so you can see the events when logged
   - move the assigned flaps axis through its full range, from 0 to 30 and then back again.
   - exit P3D, and then show me/attach your FSUIPC6.ini and FSUIPC6.log files and tell me what, if anything happened when you moved the flaps lever

I  don't have the PMDG 777 so cannot test those controls here. And I can only help you confirm if the correct controls are being sent as assigned (which i am sure they are, if assigned correctly).

Also, please test/try those custom controls to see if they actually work, e.g. assign a button or key press (temporarily) to one of the flaps settings and see if triggering that moves the flaps. If not, then maybe something else is preventing these controls from taking effect...



I now assigned a button with the value 74702 for flaps one, no movement.

I would have to presume by this that it will not work for me as an AXIS ASSIGNMENT as we have tried.  If you know of something else that maybe is wrong and interfering in someway  from making it operate let me know, thanks

FSUIPC6.logFetching info...

  On 10/19/2024 at 5:49 PM, Flyer626 said:

I now assigned a button with the value 74702 for flaps one, no movement.


Then I do not know why this PMDG custom control is not working. Maybe try the same control via the Rotor Brake method...
I do not have the PMDG 777, but I can check this in the 737...however, I am currently away/travelling. I will look into this further when I return on the 23rd October (Wednesday next week).

Sounds very strange though...are any of the PMDG 777 custom controls working for you? These have worked without issues for many years for most user....



for when you return, yes I can custom control a button. right now I can just turn it off have to figure out how to turn it on, it's a light button

  On 10/19/2024 at 11:47 PM, Flyer626 said:

right now I can just turn it off have to figure out how to turn it on, it's a light button


Depending on what to control you are using, it could take a parameter, usually 0 for off and 1 for on...

If the PMDG 777 custom flaps controls are not working, then maybe ask about this on the PMDG support forums. 


contacted the throttle maker, they said they make the throttle with PMDG in mind. Not a hardware issue. I don't use LINDA.

What were you referring to about roto brakes settings, don't understand or know anything about it. Since my flaps were working with the regular axis assignment I'll will try that again. They worked on the ground with engines running but not while I was flying or landing,, have to know why is that. Very puzzling. 

  On 10/22/2024 at 12:31 AM, Flyer626 said:

ontacted the throttle maker, they said they make the throttle with PMDG in mind. Not a hardware issue.


Well, its not going to be anything to do with the throttle itself - that will just be sending an axis value, as with all other throttles...

  On 10/22/2024 at 12:31 AM, Flyer626 said:

I don't use LINDA.


Doesn't matter - and you don't have to. As the flaps are working for the user in the other post, it would be interesting to find out how this is assigned. If its not using LINDA, you can just copy that. if it is using LINDA, I can maybe take a look at what LINDA is using and replicate that (LINDA is just a fancy wrapper around FSUIPC's Lua functionality).

  On 10/22/2024 at 12:31 AM, Flyer626 said:

What were you referring to about roto brakes settings, don't understand or know anything about it.


The Rotor Brake control is another method of sending custom controls for PMDG aircraft - see 


  On 10/22/2024 at 12:31 AM, Flyer626 said:

Since my flaps were working with the regular axis assignment I'll will try that again.


That is strange...be careful though, as I think there were some issues when using the regular flpas assignments that could cause a loss of power when climbing...but that may have been for the 737 or for the MSFS version, not sure without checking...

  On 10/22/2024 at 12:31 AM, Flyer626 said:

They worked on the ground with engines running but not while I was flying or landing,, have to know why is that. Very puzzling. 


Was that with the standard flaps control? Could it either be due to a failure or maybe they are being controlled by the FMS? I am no expert on airliners and only fly these occasionally for test purposes, so better off asking about this on the PMDG forums, and check the 777 documentation.



I am aware of the power issue and it only affected the throttles and that is why they are calibrated according to PMDG requirements. Flaps did not have any issues when set it with regular calibrations on speed or power. I had to do a firmware update on my Intel chip due to it being unstable as informed by my computer maker Dell. I will try your suggestion first about rotor brakes before I revert back to regular flaps calibration.


Did a takeoff and landing with flaps configured with regular axis assignment and all the detents. No issues. Guess PMDG is perplexing software that needs somethings there way and others not, I did learn somethings that I didn't know before so this was not a wasted exercise. Thanks for your help and time.

  On 10/23/2024 at 11:10 PM, Flyer626 said:

Did a takeoff and landing with flaps configured with regular axis assignment and all the detents. No issues.


Ok - glad you got it working, and thanks for the update. Strange it works with the standard controls though, and the custom controls they provide don't work....


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