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After having to reinstall MSFS2020 my highly appreciated FSUIPC version did not work anymore. I used the uninstall file from FSUIPC, downloaded the current FSUIP version and wanted to reinstall it. Unfortunately nothing happens when I try to run the install_FSUIPC.exe file (regardless of admin rights or not). Any help?

Many thanks in advance!


Please use the specific sub-forum for all issues with FSUIPC7, not the main support forum. I have moved your post.

2 minutes ago, RB_SC said:

Unfortunately nothing happens when I try to run the install_FSUIPC.exe file (regardless of admin rights or not). Any help?

There is nothing wrong with the installer, and you don't need to run it with Admin rights. Check that anti-virus software is not blocking it from running. Also check that you have the latest VC++ redistributables installed..
Do you see anything at all when you run the installer? If not, check the installer properties (right-click, select Properties). Sometimes it is blocked there from running. 

Note that you have to run MSFS at least once after installation before you can run the FSUIPC7 installer.



Many thanks - it was with the properties.... a security feature I was not aware of. Install works fine and I hope it now re-connects as well.

Just now, RB_SC said:

it was with the properties.... a security feature I was not aware of.

Yes, I don't know what is setting that for some folks, but I presume its anti-virus software. Do you use any anti-virus software on top of Windows Defender?


Yes, Norton - I did not have problems in the past, but I recently run into the same problem with my PMDG re-install (now I know the reason...). As there is no feedback why the exe file does not run is really confusing. Many thanks for your prompt feedback and suggestion to the solution.

And just a feedback: FSUIPC is really great product!! Without it most of my hardware would be useless!

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