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I'm running ver 4.977 registered on P3Dv3 on one of my back up computers.  Using a Saitek X-52 joystick.  I removed all the joystick commands from the P3D commands and assign everything through FSUIPC.  I'm trying to set up my 8 way hat switch on the stick (the one in the middle of the stick) to control views.  I set left and right to control Pan Left and Pan Right, and up and down to Pan Up and Pan Down.  This works perfectly when in the cockpit view, but when I switch to the external view the up and down zooms in and out instead of moving the view up and down, but the left and right work as I would expect.  I did not assign the up/left, up/right, down/left and down/right to any control.  Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


You would normally assign your POV buttons as an axis (i.e. under the Axis Assignments tab) to the Pan View control (with Send to FS as normal axis), so try that.
Remember to delete the assignments to the POV buttons first.

Note that when assigning this way, the up/down can zoom in/out, but also move the camera up and down (in the spot external camera and depending on the current camera position). This is the way the external camera controls work in external spot mode, at least in P3Dv4-6. I have no experience of using P3Dv3.

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