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Axis calibration issues - FSUIPC MSFS2024

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I know its beta and thank you so much John for porting it so quickly.

I'm having some issues with axes in 2024 though. Take rudder for example - If i set up a rudder axis in the C172 using FSUIPC, as an FS axis, I don't get left rudder, only right. Same if i send direct to FSUIPC calibration (with curve calibrated in FSUIPC).


Any thoughts? (also, i've noticed that having any curve calibration in FSUIPC affects the axis in FS2024 even if the axis is not assigned in FSUIPC).

Thanks again



8 hours ago, mrb13676 said:

I'm having some issues with axes in 2024 though. Take rudder for example - If i set up a rudder axis in the C172 using FSUIPC, as an FS axis, I don't get left rudder, only right. Same if i send direct to FSUIPC calibration (with curve calibrated in FSUIPC).

I have just checked this here, assigning both with send direct and to fs and don't see any issues, either with or without calibration and a slope. Do you see the same issue when assigned in MSFS?

If not, can you show me your FSUIPC7.ini and an FSUIPC7.log file, generated with logging for Axes Controls activated, Just load the aircraft, move your rudder fully in both directions then back to center and then exit.

8 hours ago, mrb13676 said:

i've noticed that having any curve calibration in FSUIPC affects the axis in FS2024 even if the axis is not assigned in FSUIP

Axes are also calibrated when assigned externally (i.e. not in FSUIPC). If the aircraft does not match a profile, the general calibration section will be used, otherwise the profile specific. This has always been the case. If you want to calibrate for a specific aircraft (rather than general calibration) then you should do this in a profile. You can also disable post-calibration (i.e. calibration of axis events seen by FSUIPC, not necessarily assigned) completely by setting 


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