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Plotting logged SimVar values (e.g. bank angle) in an excel sheet / diagramm

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Hi all,

one (maybe dumb) question from a non expert in anything related to Excel or the Open Word version of it. Hopefully anyone could help me out with the following:

How could I possibly clean up this data (long list) to only leave timestamp and logged value in an excel sheet to be able to draw a graph with the time against bank angle?



6640 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -87
     6640 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.74692619043
     6671 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -93
     6671 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.75514393219
     6703 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -14
     6703 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.76401257287
     6734 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -75
     6734 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.77355618607
     6765 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = 45
     6765 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.78380149431
     6796 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -51
     6796 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.79467249889
     6843 Monitor IPC:057C (S8) = -36
     6843 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: 1.80621797996




Many thanks for any advice in advance !



First you need to  get the correct values. Offset 0x057C is 4 bytes (S32) and not 1 byte (S8), and for degrees you need to *360/(65536*65536) this value - please see the Offset Status document for details.

The easiest way to get this into a format to graph/chart is to write the value (preferably already converted to degrees) with a timestamp to a csv file using lua.
There is already am example script provided that does this, called record to csv.lua and can be found in the Example LUA plugins zip file, in your FSUIPC Documents folder (see the Lua Plug-ins document for details on the examples provided). You should easily be able to adopt this script for your needs, removing the current data written/offsets read, and just read offset 0x057C, convert the value to degrees and then write that together with a timestamp. 



But just one question again.. I was under the impression that the FLT64 value is already the angle in degrees:


55563 Monitor IPC:057C (S32) = -864740697   
    55563 SimRead: 057C="PLANE BANK DEGREES"
            FLT64: -72.4817280202  = Degrees ?

43 minutes ago, ManoloRuca said:

I was under the impression that the FLT64 value is already the angle in degrees:

Yes - although that surprises me as I didn't think the conversion was applied there...I think you can also log as SA32 (signed angle in 32 bits) to get degrees, rather than S32.
But using lua is easier than extracting from the log.

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