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Presets not working in 7.5.0 & 7.5.1

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Dear John, attached the install log and the two userCfg.opt files, one for 2020 and one for 2024, from the latest FSUIPC reinstallation.

I can’t recall if I manually changed the Community folder at some point (probably yes, though it was quite a while ago). That said, FSUIPC used to work perfectly with the current setup, and as far as I can tell, the folder is correctly mapped in the respective opt file.

Let me know if you spot anything unusual or need further details. Before resorting to a full MSFS2020 reinstallation—which would be a long and tedious process—I’d like to explore any alternative solutions we can try.

FSUIPC debugging.rar

17 hours ago, gunny said:

Let me know if you spot anything unusual or need further details.

There are no issues in your installation log. However, I do find this strange:


FSUIPC7 is installed for MSFS2020: OriginalInstallDir=D:\Program Files\FSUIPC, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\guido\Documents\FSUIPC7, CommunityFolderLocation=D:\Users\guido\AppData\Local\Community\
FSUIPC7 is installed for MSFS2024: OriginalInstallDir=D:\Program Files\FSUIPC, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\guido\Documents\FSUIPC7, CommunityFolderLocation=C:\Users\guido\AppData\Local\Packages

You have moved the MSFS2020 Community folder, and have moved it under your User folder but on your drive.
I don't understand how you can have two User folders. Maybe try moving the Community folder back to its default location, or at least move it out of your User folder (e.g. D:\Community). Also, FSUIPC7 is installed under a Program Files folder on your D drive. I am not sure if this is a windows designated Program Files folder, or just a folder you created with the same name. It is always better to not install FSUIPC7 in any windows-designated folders as this can cause issues. However, as it seems to be working ok for MSFS2024, you can probably leave this and just try moving the Community folder. Better to uninstall FSUIPC7 before doing this and re-install again afterwards.



I uninstalled and moved FSUIPC to C:\FSUIPC, but unfortunately, nothing has changed—controls remain unresponsive.

I have several other apps and sceneries working perfectly in the current MSFS2020 community directory, so I see no reason to move it. At this point, the last resort seems to be either waiting for your next release or reinstalling MSFS2020, although I’m not keen on going through that process again.

In the meantime, I’m using MSFS2024, where FSUIPC works flawlessly.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

23 hours ago, gunny said:

I uninstalled and moved FSUIPC to C:\FSUIPC, but unfortunately, nothing has changed—controls remain unresponsive.

As I said, I didn't think that would help, but you should try moving the Community folder of your MSFS2020 installation. FSUIPC7 is working fine in both MSFS2020 and MSFS2024, it is the WASM in MSFS2020 that is causing the issues. Therefore relocating this to a different folder may help.

23 hours ago, gunny said:

Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Yes, move the Community folder in MSFS2020. You should uninstall FSUIPC7 before doing this and re-install afterwards. Try using D:\MSFS2020\Community first, and if you still get issues try C:\MSFS2020\Community (or any folder outside of a windows folder).



Hi John,

It worked!

I uninstalled FSUIPC, then tricked MSFS2020 by renaming the existing Community folder to Community1. After launching MSFS2020, it created a new Community folder. I then reinstalled FSUIPC (preserving the .ini file), moved all add-ons to the new Community folder, and everything finally worked.

Thanks for all your support! 😀

12 hours ago, gunny said:

I uninstalled FSUIPC, then tricked MSFS2020 by renaming the existing Community folder to Community1. After launching MSFS2020, it created a new Community folder. I then reinstalled FSUIPC (preserving the .ini file), moved all add-ons to the new Community folder, and everything finally worked.

Ok, that is interesting - so the Community folder is in the same location?
Then this would imply that the issues were caused due to some access/UAC permissions on the original folder. Did you create the original folder or MSFS?

Anyway, glad this is now fixed.




Yep, it’s in the same folder. I think it would have taken less to reinstall MSFS2020 than to change that folder!

Maybe an add-on might have interfered with the folder setup; that seems like a plausible explanation. The strange part is that even after reinstalling FSUIPC, the issue persisted, which I would have expected to resolve any conflicts.

Hope it gives you some ideas to make the program stronger in this sense!

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